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"Critiquing is easy. Creating is difficult."

Keisha's POV

I could feel them staring at me. Being in a room filled with vampires was always hard for me.
Especially because I'm a human.

I straightened the centerpiece one more time and dusted the table. Malik just informed us that his nephew and his friend will be coming to stay here and he wants everything to be spotless.

I took a deep breath and walked past the vampire standing at the door. I know Malik gave strict orders for them not to hurt me but I still feel that their thirst for blood can make them go crazy without warning.

I have seen it first hand.

I walked up the stairs to the room where his nephew will be staying. Everything in here looks to be in the right order. Like the rest of the house, it had dark furniture, black carpet, and thick grey curtains. Perfect for a vampire.

"I think they're here." One of the maids peeked inside the room to tell me. "Malik wants everyone in the living room in two seconds." Then she was gone.

Sometimes I think they forget that I'm human and I cannot move at lightning speed.

I gave the room another glance over to make sure everything was OK then I closed the door behind me.

I could hear Malik's booming voice coming from the main hall. He was introducing the maids and guards individually.

"And this is your personal assistant. " He pointed to me as I headed down the stairs. "She'll assist you with anything you might need."

One of the guys smiled at me.

"Everyone." Malik addressed the room. "This is my nephew, Veron, and his friend, Damion. They are our guests so please, ladies and gentlemen, be on your best behaviors."

Some of them smiled at the visitors...mostly at Damion so I'm guessing he is human. Others kept stone-cold faces.
They all know what 'best behavior' means.

Malik finished speaking and everyone dispersed. I went over to Veron and Damion to help bring the bags up to their rooms.

Being the polite person that I am, I introduced myself. "Hi. I'm Keisha." I extended my hand to Veron. He glanced at it, took up his bags, and headed upstairs to his room.

"Uhm. I'm Damion." The human guy took my hand. "Don't mind Veron's rudeness. We've had a very rough night."

"Oh. I see."

Damion smiled at me. "It's my first time here so would you mind showing me to my room please?"

"No problem." I went to take up one of his bags.

"Oh, no-no-no. I never let a lady bring my bags."

"Are you sure you can manage all these bags?" I asked. "They look kinda heavy."

" And that his why men have muscles." He boasted.

I stood and watched as he tried but failed to take up all the bags at once.

"OK. I'll bring two first, then return for the others." He finally gave up.

A chuckle escaped my lips. "I guess men have muscles so that they can bring only two bags at a time." I teased him.

"Will you just show me to my room please?"

"OK. Hulk." I said as I started towards the stairs.

He rolled his eyes but followed me anyway.

"This is your room," I said as we reached the top of the stairs. "It's right beside Veron's room so I guess you guys can have pillow fights at night."

I opened the door for him.

"That's not even funny." He said, throwing his bags onto the floor and going for the others.

I waited by the door until he got back. He huffed and puffed as he brought the bags over to his bed.

"So here are the rules...." I started.

"Rules? What rules? I'm an adult!" He protested.

"Yeah. You are an adult who is staying at another adult's house so please listen up because I'm only going to say this once."

He folded his hands across his chest as I continued.

"Rule number 1. And this is the most important rule. Never go down to the basement of this house. It is off-limits. Rule number 2, always inform Malik if you must leave the house at night for any reason."

"Whoa whoa! Where I go at night is my business."

I smiled. "Well if you would like to stay here beyond tonight it is going to be yours and Malik's business."

I left him with his mouth agape and I could easily tell that he is not someone who lives by rules.

But in this house, he will have to.

I wonder if he knows that he will be living in a house filled with bloodthirsty vampires. I will have to ask Malik about that in the morning.

I went to my room, which was right beside Veron's, and plopped down on the bed.

The house was quiet, mainly because all the vampires go out at night to enjoy themselves.....and some of them may occasionally break the rule and feed on a human.
Malik made a strict rule that no vampire is to drink from a human without his consent. He always makes sure that there is an adequate supply of blood in all the refrigerators in the house.....I don't know how he did it and I never really ask.

The telephone extension in my room rang.

"Hello, Malik," I answered.

His voice had a serious tone. "Keisha. Please make sure that Veron is never unhappy. It is your responsibility to see to his every need. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir," I answered.

Great. Now I basically have to babysit a college-aged vampire who doesn't talk to me. This is going to be a disaster.

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