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"A man, who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing another mistake." -Confucius

Keisha's POV

I opened my eyes and stretched, suddenly realizing that I was still in Veron's room. I smiled as memories of last night flooded my mind. I wished the night could have continued into the morning but as I rolled over I discovered that Veron's side of the bed was now empty.   

I signed as I slowly got out of bed and walked into Veron's bathroom. My whole body was aching but I was happy and a bit more relaxed.

"Babe are you in here?" Veron knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yea I'm here." I don't know why I bother answering when I know he can smell my blood from a mile away. "I'm about to take a shower," I added.

"Ok," Veron answered. "Can you please come to the kitchen when you are through? Damion made us breakfast."

"Ok," I answered, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice. I thought he would at least ask to join me in the shower.

I took my shower quickly, got dressed then walked slowly down to the kitchen. Damion and Veron were sitting around the table waiting for me. 

I pulled out a chair and sat beside Damion, taking a plate for myself.

"So..." Damion said once I started eating. "I heard you guys finally did it. Congratulations."

I started choking. "What? How do you know about that?"
Would Veron tell him about our first time?

"Vanessa saw you guys," Damion said and I'm sure I turned into a nice shade of pink.

I held my head down and started eating my breakfast. Damion leaned over to whisper in my ear. "So how was it? Did you enjoy it?" He asked, causing me to choke.

He stared at me. "Are you ok Doll? Is the food too hot or did the boat ride make you sick?"

Oh, he's talking about the date!

I shook my head and continued eating. To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement. I looked over to Veron but he wouldn't make eye contact with me. He was twirling his fork around the plate and staring blankly at the wall.

We ate in silence then Damion excused himself to go to the bathroom.

"Veron are you Ok?" I was almost timid to ask him. He hasn't eaten a thing off his plate as yet.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. Something was bothering him.

"Everything is good." He said, still not making eye contact with me. 

Something was obviously wrong with him. Why wouldn't he want to tell me? I am his girlfriend.

"I just can't tell you." He said after a while. "You won't understand."

I sighed. "How do you know I won't understand if you don't tell me what it is?"

He ate a spoonful of his oatmeal and then ran his hand through his hair again. "Ok. Come with me." He stood and started walking out of the kitchen, bringing his oatmeal with him.

I was a nervous wreck. Veron was behaving a little too weird and I wondered what he wanted to show me.

He stopped at the basement door and I almost bumped into him. He pushed the door opened and gestured for me to step into the dark room.

I stepped inside. The scent of garlic was so repulsive I had to cover my mouth and nose.

Veron clicked on the light and we descended the stairs. There were rows of cages and I looked around skeptically.

"What is this place?" I looked to Veron for answers.

He walked over to one of the cages and leaned on it. "These cages used to be the homes of human beings....up until last night."

I covered my mouth. "This was where you guys get blood from? That's awful."

Veron shook his head. "Malik showed me this place a few weeks after I got here. Those were the people you have been cooking for. Not for charity like Malik said."

My knees felt weak. All this time other humans were living here that I didn't know about. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked Veron and he sighed.

"I didn't want to worry you."

I didn't want to believe what I was hearing. "And where are these humans now?" I dared to ask.

"Uncle Malik took them. He said something about being drafted."

Drafted. I've heard that before.

"Kaitlyn said David was drafted," I told Veron. "Do you think they are at the same place?"

Veron's eyes widened. Just as he was about to answer, I heard someone sneeze. On instinct, I ran behind Veron for protection. 

Veron chuckled. "Relax Keisha, Akeem won't hurt you. He's just a little boy."

The little boy stepped out of the shadows and walked toward us. His wide eyes looked terrified as he held unto Veron's hand.

Veron became rigid at the little boy's touch. Maybe the scent of his blood was too strong.

"Did you find Mama?" His tiny voice was barely audible.

Veron rubbed Akeem's head. "Not yet but I'm working on it. Are you hungry?"

Akeem nodded as he looked longingly at the bowl of oatmeal that Veron was handing to him.

He ate quickly, glancing up at us every few seconds with scared eyes.

"Why did they leave him?" I whispered to Veron.

"I was in the middle of making them escape when Uncle Malik came and took them away. Akeem didn't want to leave without his mother so I have to keep him here."

"Down here in this dark, damp room?" I asked. "This is so inhumane. Why don't you let him stay in my room? It's a lot warmer."

Veron shook his head. "You want me to take him upstairs that is filled with a bloodthirsty vampire?" He asked.

There must be a way for us to get him to a better place than this dungeon.

"What if we tell Malik that he got left behind?" I suggested. "We could tell him that you took him to your room to drink from him and when you carried him back, the basement was empty."

Veron chuckled. "I like how you are thinking." He said. "But there is just one problem in your story."

"What?" I asked.

"I can only drink nacre blood. Any other blood type will cause me to swell up."   

He was right but we couldn't leave Akeem down here. He must be lonely.

"I rescued a few of them," Veron said. "I couldn't get to rescue them all. I thought I had more time."

I rubbed his back. "It's ok Veron. At least you rescued some of them. You're a good person. There's no need to feel bad. You couldn't have known that Malik was going to move them."

The door to the basement swung open and Malik stood in the doorway. "So this is where you guys have been hiding." He smiled and both Akeem and I stood behind Veron with frightened eyes.

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