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"Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."-Robert Kiyosaki

Keisha's POV

I was exhausted. As I staggered back to my room all this new information was making me dizzy. I felt as if I was in a dream. I needed some sleep to clear my head.

As I opened my bedroom door I was surprised at what I saw. My mother was sitting on my bed holding a photo album on her lap.

I honestly don't have the emotional strength to talk to her right now.

"Mom this is not a good time," I said wearily and she held up one hand as if to silence me.

"This won't take long." She gestured for me to sit beside her and I reluctantly did.

She took a deep breath. "Ah. Where should I begin?" She opened the album to the first page. "This is a picture of you when you were a couple of months old." She smiled as if she remembered something. "Even at this tender age, I knew you were special."

I glanced at the picture of the younger me. I was lying in someone's arms with the ocean in the background.

"Can you get to the point please?" I said hurriedly. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I felt so betrayed.

She rubbed her palms along the sides of her silky blue skirt. "You need to know everything. Why you are here, why I am here and why all this craziness is happening." She took another deep breath and I waited impatiently for her to continue.

"Please don't be shocked at this but a few years ago Malik and I had an intimate relationship."

She glanced up at me to see my expression. I didn't know what to say. This is not the mother that grew me. It can't be. My mother taught me how to be honest and trustworthy...not to lie and cheat.

"You had an affair with a vampire?" I responded when I finally found my voice. "How could you do this to Daddy? Wasn't he enough for you? Didn't you love him at all?"

She didn't answer my questions. Her head hung in what I assume to be shame but I can't be sure. I don't know her anymore.

"Tell me why you did it!!!!" I shouted but she didn't even flinch. I got up from the bed not able to tolerate being so close to her anymore.

Her eyes were fixated on her folded hands on her lap. "When you get a little older you'll understand. There are certain needs that a woman has and with your father always gone, my needs weren't being met."

I scoffed at her. "So you're the victim here, right?"

She shook her head. "I'm not saying that. I just want you to hear my side of the story."

Her side of the story?! I was appalled by her words. Her side is the only side there is. Dad was killed so there's no way I could hear his side.

"Can I continue?" She asked. "I promise to answer all your questions once I'm through."

I nodded and she cleared her throat. "I was feeling lonely so when Malik came to my fish shop and complimented me on how beautiful I was... I couldn't help but feel....awestruck. The first time he kissed me was magical. I've never felt so alive in all my years of existence. " The corners of her mouth twisted upwards in a half smile and I felt as if I wanted to throw up.

She continued her memory. "His visits started getting more frequent and I began missing him like crazy when he wasn't around. Your dad never had a clue about my infidelity because he was hardly ever around. After about two years into the affair, things got a bit more serious..."

"Two years?!" I blurted. This was all too much for me. I'm definitely going to pass out.

She glanced up at me. "You promised you would let me finish."

I held up both hands gesturing for her to continue.

"After two years I found out I was pregnant and it wasn't for my husband." She avoided looking into my eyes as she spoke. "That's when I really started seeing how toxic our relationship actually was so I decided to about the pregnancy without telling Malik. With him being a vampire though, once he came around me and didn't hear the baby's heart beating he was furious. He wouldn't listen to a word I said. He just left promising to make me pay for taking the life of his child."

"It was your child as well Mom," I stated and she sighed heavily.

"I know that darling, but I didn't want to disrespect your father like that. I couldn't. When Malik returned to the village he brought other vampires with him....and you know the rest." She whispered the last part.

" how did they not kill you?" I queried.

"When Malik came to the house I was preparing dinner. He was so so angry but I managed to calm him down enough to call off his attack but by then it was too late.  Most of our friends and family members were already dead." He looked at me with remorse in her eyes but I didn't think I could forgive her, at least not yet.

This whole story was stirring up memories and making me angrier. "What did you do to make him stop?"

She didn't answer. She was silent for a solid five minutes.
When she finally spoke I wished I never asked. "I promised to have a baby for him."

I covered my ears with my palms. I didn't want to hear it. I didn't want it to be true.

My finger shook as I pointed at her belly. "S-So you're pr-pregnant for him now?"

She shook her head. "No. Not yet."

Not yet. So she's planning to give him a child. I don't know what I'm supposed to be most angered by. The fact that she had an affair with a vampire or that she killed my little brother or sister.

"I really cannot deal with this right now Mom. I'm just going to lie down for a bit." I told her.

"No!" She said standing up and stretching her hands towards me. "I need to tell you the plan of escape so you will be prepared."

That got my attention and I finally started listening to her. When she finished explaining though I didn't particularly agree with her but it was the best escape plan.

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