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"All things are difficult before they get easy."

Veron's POV

I waited a minute for Damion to process what I just told him...
Two minutes..........

Five minutes......

He looked at me then crossed his arm. " I'm ashamed of you man." He said then shook his head.

Ashamed? I just told him I committed murder and he's just......ashamed? Maybe he didn't hear what I said.

"Now is not the time to make jokes Veron." He continued. "Someone is missing. Probably killed. One of our classmates! It could have happened to anyone of us!"

Ah. He thinks I'm joking. Great.

"I have something to tell you that might change your life......our friendship forever." I let out the breath I was holding.

"Whoa! Man. Are you dying?! Please tell me you're not dying?"

"Wait. No. No. I'm not dying..... Technically I'm already dead."

"Unbelievable!" Damion looked at me scornfully. "I'm going to find Vanessa and make sure she's ok. You're sick man! What's wrong with you? I can't believe you chose this moment to make a joke. Someone is actually missing! Someone we know!"

He walked away leaving me feeling shitty as hell.

I went back to the dorm and took a shower. All the memories swirling around in my mind were giving me a headache. I sat on the couch and flicked the TV on, looking for something to settle my nerves.

I stopped when I saw Twilight.

What are the odds?

I laughed to myself when Edward showed Bella the effects that sunlight has on him.
Like seriously. What kind of vampire glistens in sunlight? Only the ones in movies and books.

The door unlocked and Damion walked in with his girlfriend Vanessa.

It's weird that whenever I'm around her the hairs on the back of my neck start tingling.....and her heart is always beating so slow I can hardly hear it.

"What's up, man?" I directed my question at Damion. "Did they find that girl?"

"Not yet," Damion answered. "I'm going to get something to drink. You want anything hon?"

"Water is fine," Vanessa answered and Damion headed toward the kitchen. "Please don't hit on my girlfriend while I'm gone." He said over his shoulder. "You're little one has no control." He sounded a little infuriated.....probably still hating me for making the vampire "joke".

Vanessa's eyes were glued to me making me very uncomfortable.

"So....." She said as she strode over to the couch. "Have you learned to control your urges yet?"

"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered.

"Your urges for blood." She said like it was the most ordinary thing to say. "Most new vampires can't control their yearnings. They'll kill anyone to get blood."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied.

How does she know what I am? Did she see me kill that girl? Oh, man! I'm screwed!

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