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"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." - John Lubbock.

Keisha's POV

Make him feel needed.

Make him feel needed.

Make him feel needed.

I recited the words as I walked to Veron's room the next morning. The pink writing pad in my hand makes me feel stupid but I still have to go through with my idea.

I knocked on the door three times. No answer.
I turned the doorknob. It's locked. I sighed and sat down on the cold floor with my back leaning on the door and started writing.

Hi Veron. How are you?

I tore out the first page and slid it under the door hoping he would read it and respond.

A few minutes passed.

After a long while, I don't know how long, I heard shuffling inside the room and the paper is being drawn into the room.

Yes! I'm finally getting somewhere with him.

I waited for him to reply.

The paper is pushed back to me. Torn to shreds.

I sighed in defeat and left him alone....for now. I need to find out what made him want to lock himself inside. Maybe then I will know how to handle him.

I went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee and clean up. With a house full of vampires, the kitchen is never clean, nowhere in the house is.

"Make me a cup of coffee." Damion staggered into the kitchen, his hair a mop on his head and his eyes looking as though he hasn't slept in days.

"You don't have a maid here," I told him harshly.

He took a seat at the island. "Just make me some damn coffee woman!" He demanded and I couldn't hold back my laughter. I mean he really cracked me up. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard.

"What's so funny Doll?" He asked and I cringed at the nickname he gave me.

"My name is Keisha!" I turned my back to him and poured the coffee into two big mugs. "Cream or sugar?" I asked him and without turning around I know he has a smirk on his face.


"You're going to drink yourself sick with all this sweetness," I stated and he snickered.

"After the night I had last night I need all the energy I can get."

I handed him the mug of coffee and sweetened mine with sugar. No milk.

I took a sip. "So tell me about last night. Where did all your energy go?"

He smiled. "Well Doll, as you can see, I'm a gentleman. I don't kiss and tell."

"Who would be dumb enough to kiss you?" I quipped.

"If you must know. I have a very hot, very sexy girlfriend."

"And does she know that you're her boyfriend?" He makes it so easy for me to tease him.

I earned an eye roll from him before he answered. "We went on a date last night remember?"

"You did?" I smiled at him. "I thought you were working for pest control."

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