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"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great. Some achieve greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them."

Veron's POV

Damion stared at me blankly.
"What were you doing?" He asked finally. "Whose blood is it?"

I searched my brain for a response.
"'s the blood of an animal. I was helping out at a butcher's shop." What a blatant lie. But Damion believed it so I guess I just dodged a bullet.

I discarded my clothes in the laundry basket and went into the shower. I sat in the bath and turned the shower on and let the water beat down on my back. A thousand images were flashing through my mind all at once. The poor look on that girl's face as I bit her, her body lying on the street, her blood all over my shirt.

I couldn't take it. I held my head with both hands and let out a scream that could probably wake the whole block.

I realized I wasn't feeling the water on my back again. Is the shower broken again?

I held up my head.
I was in an all-white room on a small bed. I looked around. The only things in the room were the bed and a mirror. I got up and walked over to the mirror slowly.
I gasp when I looked into the mirror. It wasn't my reflection that I saw. A middle-aged man stood in the mirror smiling back at me.
"Don't be frightened, Veron." He said with control. "I won't harm you."
This is freaky!
"Where am I?" Was the only thing I could ask before the man stepped out of the mirror.

"I'm Master Richard. I'm your spiritual guardian."

"Say what now?!" I went and sat down on the bed because my legs were getting wobbly.
"And may I ask what your job is?" I decided to play along because I'm obviously dreaming.

Master Richard came and sat beside me on the bed. We sat there in silence for a while. "I'm not pleased with you Veron." He said sternly.

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