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"To be old and wise you first have to be young and foolish."

Keisha's POV

I tried to shake my head to get rid of that dream. I've never thought about where I would go when Malik gives me my freedom. I can't go back home because my family is no longer there.

I got out of bed for the second or third time today and stretched. On instinct, I grabbed my diary and wrote my dream down. I don't know why I feel the need to document everything that happens in my life.

There was a brief knock on the door, then the doorknob started jiggling. I have no privacy here.

The door opened and Damion stumbled in with a frightened look on his face.

"What brings you by?" I asked and he jumped.

When his breathing finally returned to normal he tried to answer. "I was- Uhm... it's not what it looks like."

"What are you talking about?" I took in his appearance and nothing seems out of place.

"I almost cheated on Vanessa." He whispered.


"Yes. Someone tried to kiss me. And it's really weird because we've never even spoken before."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"In the hallway. A girl tried to kiss me. She was nibbling on my ear and neck like a horny lovesick teenager." He rubbed his neck as he spoke.

In a house full of vampires of course someone would try to feed on a human. I need to speak to Malik about this. I have no idea why he bought Damion here anyway. He could have easily rented an apartment for him to stay.....far away from here.

"Earth to Keisha!" Damion snapped his fingers in front of me bringing me back from my trance. "You are not thinking of kissing me too, are you?"

"Don't flatter yourself." I smacked him playfully with a pillow and he laughed. "Don't you have classes to get to?"

"Classes? It's almost noon. I was here all morning trying to get Veron to come to the campus and get his life back but I have failed miserably. He still won't leave his room."

"Get back his life?" I questioned.

"Yes. After what happened back at the dorms, he's devastated."

What could have happened that was so devastating? The only thing Malik told me was that their room was burnt. That's not devastating, is it? Unless something that has sentimental value to him got burnt.

"Looks like you've gone to Mars again so I'll show myself out." Damion tapped me on my knees and smiled, showing off his dimples.

"What happened at the dorms?" I asked as he opened the door.

"I don't think it's my place to say. He'll have to tell you when he's ready." He said, pulling the door close behind him.

Why does he have to be such a good friend?

Once again I grabbed my pencil and pink writing pad, deciding to try my luck with Veron. This time I didn't knock on his door. I just sat on the floor and wrote the note.

Hey Veron. How is your day going so far? I just want you to know that whenever you're ready to talk I'll be here to listen. K.P.

I slid it under the door and waited with my chin on my knees. I hope he doesn't make me wait too long this time. I have a lot of things to do today and Malik would be pissed if I don't get them done. He asked me earlier to prepare a huge blood included. I wonder why. Are the vampires here on a no-blood diet? It wouldn't be the first time Malik has punished them this way. My mind instantly went to David and Kaitlyn. What if Malik found out about their relationship and is going to punish them somehow. They would probably think I reported them....hell if I was in their position I would think the same thing.

As I formulated questions to ask Malik later I saw the paper being drawn into the room. To say I was anxious about what would happen next is an understatement. I fidgeted with the lace hem of my blouse as I waited.

Why is it taking him so long to tear up the paper again this time? As I rambled on inside my head, the paper is slid back to me.

When I'm ready to talk about what exactly?

I stared at the question that I don't have an answer to. I wasn't prepared for him to write back. I thought he would tear the paper to shreds again.

What should I say? What do I want him to talk to me about? I have so many questions to ask him. Why he's hiding behind these doors. What happened at his dorm. What will be taking place on December tenth but not wanting to scare him further away, I wrote something neutral.

Ready to talk about your feelings. K.P.

As I slid the paper under the door again I regretted writing that. It sounded so corny, just like something a therapist would ask. I don't want him to think of me that way. I want him to think of me as a friend. I need him to. So badly.

The paper did not take long to slide under the door this time.

Screw you K.P.

I know it's not something to smile about but I couldn't help the smile that has crept its way to my lips. At least I'm making some kind of progress.

Damion chose this moment to open his bedroom door and walk into the hallway. I neatly folded the paper that Veron wrote on and placed it in my notepad.

"Stalk much?" Damion asked when he saw me sitting on the ground.

"I'm not stalking anyone I was just having a conversation with..." I trailed off realizing how moronic I sound.

Damion smiled. "You were having a conversation with the invisible man. Carry on. Don't let me interrupt you Doll." He tried his best to stifle his laugh and I used my notepad to swat him on his leg.

He stretched out his hand to help me up and I took it but instead of letting him help me, I pulled him toward me. He lost his balance and fell to the floor with a thud. My laughter was deafening but I didn't try to control it.

"You're so dead!" Damion grabbed me by my leg and I tried to get away kicking, screaming, and laughing hysterically.

Our romp was cut short when Veron's bedroom door opened. He didn't exit like I hope he would. He just opened the door and then slammed it shut with a bang.

"I guess Mr. Grumpy wants some peace and quiet." I sighed.
Damion got up and stretched out his hand to help me up once again. "No funny business this time Doll." He warned.

"No funny business." I agreed. "I have a ton of things to do before the sun sets anyway."

"You sound like someone from an ancient movie." I swatted Damion again and he laughed. "What do you have to do? I'll help you Doll."

"I'm sure you will," I replied sarcastically as I led the way to the huge kitchen.

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