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"I bite. You bleed.
You may fight but I must feed."

Veron's POV

I was awoken by my parched throat. I need to feed.....again. I glanced at the alarm clock. It was almost 4 pm. Where am I going to get blood? I didn't want to have a repeat of what happened last night so I called the only person I could talk to.

Uncle Malik answered on the first ring. "Hey, son. What's up?"

"I need blood," I whispered into the phone.

"I put some in your fridge." Uncle Malik said.

"You know I don't live here alone, right?"

Uncle Malik chuckled. "Of course. That's why I poured it into Gatorade bottles. Damion doesn't drink Gatorade so it shouldn't be a problem."

I finished my third bottle of blood and sighed. I don't think I'm ever going to get the hang of this. My life is changing dramatically and I don't think I'm handling it well.....My girlfriend...well ex-girlfriend thinks I'm a freak and I killed an innocent girl and buried her. The memories of that night keep flooding through my mind like it was happening over again. The guilt was eating me from the inside out. What that poor girl's family and friends must be going through... if they even know that she's dead.

I took a deep breath. I needed to get my mind off this girl. I grabbed a pair of joggers and a jacket and headed outside.

The cool afternoon wind caressed my face as I jogged. I didn't know where I was going. As the buildings whizzed by I realized I wasn't running at normal speed. I like this feeling. Freedom.

I stopped for a minute and realized I wasn't even breathing heavily.

I analyzed my life for a moment. I was a twenty-year-old college senior who had all the perks that come with popularity. I will be graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering.....hopefully, and I promise I won't let anything get in the way of me fulfilling my goals....not even being a vampire.

A freaking vampire!!!

I'm still not able to wrap my head around it. How is it that I can't remember being turned or that I had Ebola?

I sighed.

Whatever caused Uncle Malik to turn me into a vampire was probably for the best. He always put me first and he always knows what to do. I trust him with my life. He's the only family I've ever known.

I let out a sigh again. I needed to clear my head but every memory from the time I bit Abby to this moment was still fresh in my memory.....replaying over and over again. I couldn't turn it off.

My phone beeped, erupting my thoughts.

Damion: Where the hell are you man!!! Some scary shit is happening at this school. You need to get here man.

Me: What happened?

It took a while for him to text back.

Damion: A chic is missing and the cops are saying she was kidnapped.....and that she's probably dead.

The Thirst In MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora