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"Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness. Bad days give you experience."

Keisha's POV

Veron hasn't spoken to me or Malik in two days and it was driving me crazy, mostly because it was my fault. I should have told him about Malik.

"Come back to Earth Doll," Damion said and I smiled.

We were sitting on the couch and I think he was in the middle of telling me about his day at school.

"You know he likes you, right? Why don't you go talk to him?" He said.

"I'm not sure I can."

"Why not?" He inquired.

I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face. "I did something really bad and I'm not sure he will forgive me."

Damion chuckled. "All you have to do is apologize and he'll come running back to you. You have him wrapped around your pinky finger Doll. Trust me." Damion squeezed my knee. "Plus whenever Vanessa reads his mind, she tells me everything he's thinking." He beamed at me.

"What!?" I never thought vampires could read other vampires' minds. "What does he say about me?"

Damion smirked evilly at me. "Hhmmmm. Wouldn't you like to know?"

I punched him in the arm. "Tell me!"

He pulled an imaginary zip across his lip. "My lips are sealed. If you want to know, you'll just have to ask him."

"You're a jerk." I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed. "How are you with Vanessa by the way? Are you OK with her being a vampire?"

His smile faded a bit. "I have to be OK with it. It's not like she can undo being a vampire. So I always look on the bright side."

"Which is?" I asked.

He smiled cheekily. "Only a vampire can love you forever."

I shook my head. "They can also take your life with a single bite."

He stopped smiling. "Stop trying to scare me. Vanessa would never hurt me."

I raised my brows at him and he shoved me playfully. "Stop trying to scare me Doll.....and maybe I'll just let her turn me so we'll have an even relationship." He got up to leave.

"What?" I screeched. "I can't believe you're even thinking that!"

He didn't answer. He just kept chuckling.

He kissed me on the cheek. "Go talk to him Doll." He whispered before leaving me in the living room.

Go talk to him. What am I supposed to say to him? Sorry I didn't tell you that I feed your uncle every night?

Oh boy.

What if I just wrote him a letter of apology? Then I wouldn't have to face him and I would still be forgiven. Yes. That's what I will do. I went to my room, tore a page from my notepad, and started writing.

Dear Veron,

I know you are angry at me but please hear me out. You must know that I'm very sorry about what happened. If it was up to me alone, Malik wouldn't be drinking from me. But when he rescued me from those gruesome vampires we made a deal that this was how I would repay him. I wasn't thinking straight then. I had just lost my parents and all my family members. I thought my life was over and I had nothing to live for. That is why I agreed to the deal. I am very sorry and I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me.

Your friend,

I walked to his room intending to slip it under his door unnoticed. I had no such luck. Just as I bend to push it under, the door opened and our eyes met.

Veron stared at me. "What are you doing here?"

"" I handed him the letter and turned to walk away.

"What's this?" He asked, holding into my arm.

I looked up at him weakly. "Just read it," I told him. I was almost on the brink of tears under his judging glare.

He unfolded the paper and I watched as his eyes scanned the words.

"That's the only way he could think of you repaying him?" He asked once he finished reading and I nodded.

"I wasn't thinking at the time, Veron. I-"

"I understand." He cut me off. "I need to speak with my uncle." He pushed the letter into his pocket and walked away.

Does this mean he forgives me? I hope so.

"See. That wasn't so hard. Was it?" Damion's voice startled me.

"Why are you being so sneaky? Gosh, you scared me." I stated and he laughed.

"So you and your lover are back together now?" He questioned.

"That sounds gross in so many ways," I said. "Don't ever talk like that again and I'm not sure if he forgives me or not. He's speaking to his uncle now."

"And what are you doing here?" He questioned. "If I were you I would be eavesdropping on that conversation right now." He said then went back to his room.

I have never been one to eavesdrop but I did want to hear what was being said. So I found myself walking toward Malik's room.

".....that's why I have to drink directly from her." I heard Malik say.

"That's a complete lie!" Veron said angrily. "I can only drink nacre blood too but I don't drink directly from her. Do I?"

"You don't understand," Malik said. "When-" he stopped speaking mid-sentence. "Come in Keisha. This discussion is about you anyway."

My eyes bulged. How silly am I to think that I could eavesdrop without them knowing? Especially since the scent of my blood was so strong.

I stepped into the room and Veron held onto my hand. I smiled to myself. I felt safe in his arms.

"Do you feel the same way, Keisha?" Malik looked at me.

I looked at Veron before answering and he nodded, encouraging me.

"Yes, I agree," I said as firmly as I could. "I want you to stop drinking directly from me."

"OK," Malik answered calmly, surprising both Veron and me.

"That's it?" Veron asked and Malik nodded.

"I don't need to drink from you, Keisha. I can just start drinking from my second best nacre." He smiled at us.

What? I thought I was the only surviving nacre.

"Get out here!" He shouted toward his bathroom and a lady walked out. Malik grabbed her and smiled at us as he turned the lady so she was facing us.

My heart stopped for a split second. "Mom!" I shouted as Malik sunk his teeth into her neck.

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