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"Only in the darkness can you see the stars."- Martin Luther King Jr

Keisha's POV

"Sitting and watching me isn't helping," I told Damion. He is just sitting comfortably on the stool watching me.

"Ok, Mom." He faked a smile. "What will thou have me to do?"

I laughed and we started preparing the meal. Damion turned out to be a very good helper and a really good cook. 
I was surprised that he even knew which plate to put which meal in. I stared at him as he stirred the sauce, his biceps flexing. Why couldn't Veron be more like him? More easygoing.

"I still have a girlfriend you know." I was startled and embarrassed that he caught me staring at him. I turned away and pretended to be looking for something in the refrigerator.
I know my cheeks are a deep red. I can feel it.

I heard him clear his throat right behind me. "Have you found the invisible object you're looking for in there Doll?"

I grabbed the object nearest to me and closed the fridge door.

"So we're going to add orange juice to the sauce?" He smirked.

I didn't realize that orange juice is what I took up. "I'm thirsty." I lied and poured some orange juice into a glass.

I am thankful when his phone rang, distracting him from teasing me any further.

"Hey, babe." He answered and left me alone in the kitchen.

My mind went back to Veron. I need to make him feel needed even if means acting clingy like those lovesick teenagers in novels.

The kitchen door opened and Malik walked in.
"Meal ready as yet?" He smiled at me.


He started packing some of the food into bags and I got curious.

"What are you doing with all this food?" I questioned.

"I'm being a good citizen Keisha." He answered nonchalantly.

"By having me prepare a feast? That's slavery!"

"No it's called feeding the hungry and homeless and that's exactly what I'm doing." He beamed at me.

I never once thought that Malik had a 'good Samaritan' bone in his body but now I'm willing to admit that I was wrong. That is so humane of him.

He packed all the food into bags faster than I could blink and I was left to clean the kitchen once again. I honestly think I clean this kitchen more than I clean my damn room. How pathetic is the life I've come to know?

After cleaning the kitchen thoroughly I went back to my room to get my writing pad and update my diary.

Day two.

I'm having a little progress with Veron. Today he wrote back and he even opened the door. Although he didn't come out of his room I'm still grateful that I'm making progress. -K.P

I have no idea why I felt the need to take up my writing pad and go to Veron's room for the second time today.

As I reached his door I realized that the door is slightly opened and I heard Malik's voice inside.

"You need to get out of this room son. It's getting stuffy in here?"

"Just leave me alone," Veron answered.

"Come on." Malik pressed. "Get out of your room. Meet some girls. There is a lot to choose from in this mansion."

"I haven't seen one that comes close to the description of the kinda girl I like." He answered.

Ouch! That kinda hurts. It made me feel hopeless. Why should I even bother? He's not going to fall for me.

"How could you when you have been stuck in here for the past few days?"

"Uncle just leave me alone please?" It sounded like a weak question instead of a demand.

"Veron I need to train you in case we have a war in December. You need to be prepared. I need to know your strengths and weaknesses."

"I really don't want to be a part of your fiasco. I don't belong here." Veron answered. "As soon as I get an apartment I'm leaving this place."

I hear Malik sigh. "Ok, I'll give you some space for now," Malik said. "But remember no matter how far you may go this has always and will always be your home, Veron."

I hurriedly left before Malik came out and I went back to my room. I read the second tip on how to make a guy fall in love with you.

#2: Be patient and don't lose hope. He'll come around."

Oh, I really hope he comes around because patience isn't one of my strong points. I need to leave this place before whatever war Malik was referring to starts. I know how gruesome these events can be. I've seen it first hand.

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