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"A champion is not defined by their wins but by how they recover after a fall."- Serena Williams

Keisha's POV

He stared at me. "You've never kissed anyone before?" He asked in a baffled voice, still staring at me like I had just grown a new pair of eyes.

I nodded wishing I never told him. He was still staring at me and I felt awkward.

"So why did you lock yourself in your room?" I asked, trying to take some of the heat off of myself.

Veron walked over to my bed and sat down. "Ah! Where should I begin." He sighed, rubbing his hand over his head. He looked as if he was in physical pain.

"Well, it all started when I bit my girlfriend." He said and I gasped.

I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. "Did you kill her?" I barely whispered and he chuckled a bit.

"No. I didn't kill her." He smiled as if he was remembering something about her. "She was very feisty and Damion didn't like her. But I did....we weren't in love or anything but you know I was a star athlete so I had to have a girlfriend. And we kinda just grew to like each other."

"Where is she now?" I asked and his smile faded.

He hung his head. "She died." He said and I wished I never asked.

"I'm so sorry." I moved closer to him and nervously rubbed his back.

"You know what the worst thing about it was?" He asked looking at me with unshed tears in his eyes. "We argued before she died and I never got to apologize." And then the tears started rolling freely.

I sat there rubbing his back, not knowing how else to comfort a crying vampire. "It will be OK," I told him. "You can apologize to her grave. That might help." I suggested and his shoulders started shaking and he held his head in his hand, not wanting me to see him cry.

"There was no part of her body left to be buried." His crying turned to sobs and he dried his eyes with the end of his shirt. "She was burned in my dorm room."

I gasped not knowing what else to say. Who would kill a girl in her boyfriend's room? That is very sick. I wouldn't wish anyone to go through that kind of pain....not even Rebecca whom I hate so much.
What if she is the one that killed Veron's girlfriend. I wouldn't put it past her and her dark heart.

"I will get better." Veron cleared his throat. "I know it will be hard but I have to come out of the dark place I'm in."

"I'll help in any way I can." I offered. "If you want to talk I'll always be here to listen."

He smirked at me. "You can't tell anyone that you saw me cry."

I pulled my fingers across my lip, closing an imaginary zipper. "My lips are sealed," I assured him but he shook his head.

"No." He said firmly. "I have to erase your memory so you won't tell anyone."

"Ok. Go ahead." I said, knowing that he was oblivious to my abilities as a nacre.

He stared into my eyes and in a deep voice he said, "You will not tell anyone that you saw me cry because you will not remember seeing me cry."

I shut my eyes tight then opened them again. "What are you doing in my room Veron?" I pretended to be surprised.

"I was just leaving." He smiled at me and I burst into uncontrollable laughter.

"What's so funny?" He asked placing his hands on his hips.

"You. You are funny Veron." I said between laughs. "I hope you won't cry because I'm laughing at myself. You are a very ugly crier."

The shocked look on his face made me laugh even harder.

"But I erased your memory." He said weakly, dropping his hands to his side. "I did it just as how uncle Malik taught me to."

I smiled. "Did he tell you about Nacres and how we operate?"

He shook his head. "So your memory cannot be erased?" He asked.

"Nope," I answered. "I cannot be compelled either."

Veron looked bewildered. "Why-How is this possible?"

I laughed. "I'll explain it all to you someday."

"Can I take you out to dinner so we can talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Remember I told you I'm not supposed to leave the house? Malik's rule."

"Do you always follow the rules? Can't you be spontaneous for once?" He taunted me.

"I don't do spontaneous. I'm a very organized person."

He smiled at me. "So your visit to my room in that sexy outfit wasn't impromptu?"

I blushed. "Well....just that once. It won't happen again."

"Will you please go out with me tomorrow night K.P.? I promise that it will be spectacular." He did his best pouty face and I laughed. "Malik won't be here. He has an all-night meeting in Halifax and he won't be back until morning."

I pondered for a while. What Malik doesn't know won't hurt him, right? "Ok. I will come but we can't stay out late." I told him and he kissed my cheek.

"Yes, my lady. Your wish is my command." He bowed. "I'll leave you to go get your beauty sleep while I go plan our epic date.

I giggled and locked the door behind him. I grabbed my diary and began writing.

Dear Diary

My quest of making Veron fall in love with me is almost over. He brought me on a picnic and we talked and I really liked that. But Malik didn't like that. He thought I was being too slow in completing the task he gave me. So I went to Veron's room wearing almost nothing and he was very happy to see me. :) it won't be hard now to get him to trust me and eventually fall in love. -K.P

I closed the diary and sighed. I feel really bad about tricking Veron into falling in love with me. I will tell him the truth after all of this is over. I promise.

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