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"Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind always."

Keisha's POV

I stared at the photo in my hand. Malik's blue eyes looked back at me and he actually had a genuine smile on his face. The lady in the photo was absolutely stunning. The style of her dress was obsolete but clung to her curves like a second skin.

I've never heard Malik mention a wife or ever been married before. Should I ask him about it? I shook my head, answering my question. I'll just keep it to myself and try to figure it out. I pushed the letters, along with the photo into my apron pocket. I closed the door behind me, leaving the room smelling fresh and looking clean. 

Once I was behind the safety of my room door, I emptied the contents of my apron pocket unto the bed. I organized the letters according to the date and then read the first one.

August 29, 1840

Dear Malik,

I hope this letter reaches you in good health. How are you keeping? Well as you can see, I've reached back to England safe and sound. The winter is on us but I'm not feeling the cold like everyone else. Everyone is wearing coats and tights and by next month everyone will be wearing boots.
I wish I was back there. I liked it so much. I miss spending time with you and seeing your lovely smile. My mom and dad want to meet you soon. I am telling them stories upon stories of our wonderful time together. Keep sweet until I see you again.

Your true love,

There was a knock on the door so I folded the letters and placed them under my mattress. I wouldn't want Malik to know that I have them. These are very personal and might get him angry.

I opened my door to see David. He was holding a huge gift basket in his hand and was smiling from ear to ear.

"What brings you by?" I asked, returning his smile.

He pushed the basket at me. "Could you keep this hidden from Kaitlyn for me? Tomorrow is her birthday and I want her to think I forgot about it."

"Why? That's awful." I told him. "Won't she hate you for that?"

He smiled. "Well, every year I buy her a big gift so she kind of expects it. That is why this year I'm doing things a little different."

I can imagine a hundred ways of this plan backfiring but I didn't say it to David. Instead, I took the gift basket and hid it in my closet. David thanked me and left to go to sleep.

I wonder how long it will take Malik to give him a daylight ring. Where does he get these daylight rings anyway?

I decided to take a shower before making dinner for myself. I haven't seen Veron all day and I was getting a little.....jealous that he was spending his time somewhere else with someone else. It made my skin crawl to even think of another girl touching him.

Get it together Keisha. He's not yours.

I tried talking some sense to myself. As soon as Veron falls in love with me, the deal would be over and things will be back to normal, right? Malik will be successful in whatever plan he has and I will be free to venture wherever I want.

I stepped under the shower and let the warm water caress my body. Images of what took place between Veron and me flashed in my mind and despite being under warm water, goosebumps took over my body.

I stepped out of the shower and got dressed, with a scary smile on my face.

I heard the front door open and my smile got even bigger. Veron was home.
We could pick up where we left off this morning...

I took two steps at a time as I raced down to the living room to greet him and hopefully welcome him home.

"Hey," I said once I reached the living and saw him, looking all sexy in his skin-fitting shirt. "Welcome home Veron," I said in the sweetest voice. "Can I get you something to drink?"

Veron looked at me as if I had lost my mind. "Thanks...I guess?"

My smile faded when someone stepped in behind Veron. A girl. Why the hell would he bring a girl home? Was she his girlfriend? Has she always been his girlfriend?

"Ah... I would like you to meet Mellisa." He said sweetly and the girl extended her hand for me to shake.

I was dumbfounded. I'm pretty sure my mouth was still open as I shook her hand.

She smiled at me. "It's nice to meet you....." She said waiting for me to tell her my name.

"Keisha," Veron answered for me. "We'll be up in my room. You can bring us drinks, thank you." He said and the girl followed him.

Who does she think she is? I'm supposed to bring her drinks while she steals my boyfriend? Oh no! That's not going to happen. I'm not some maid who says how high when I'm told to jump....but Veron did say he wants something to drink. That's the only reason why I'm taking drinks up to his room.

I hurried to the kitchen, grabbed two glasses, and angrily poured orange juice into them.

I walked up to Veron's room slowly, not wanting to spill the drinks on the floor. As I neared his door I heard them talking.

"You mean a lot to me, you know that?" I heard Veron say and my heart sunk in my chest.

"I'll write all of that down," Mellisa said.

"No don't write that. I don't want the whole class to know my business." Veron replied.

"Oh, you're such a sensitive guy." Mellisa gushed and then said something that I couldn't hear properly. I pressed my ear to the door trying to hear what they were talking about.

What if they weren't talking? What if they were making out....or something worse?!

I was pulled from my thoughts when the door swung open and I plunged headfirst into Veron's bedroom, spilling orange juice everywhere.

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