Fifty- Four

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"Life is like a book; some chapters are sad, some are happy, and some exciting. But if you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter holds."- Unknown

Veron's POV

I tried to control it but I couldn't. As soon as I entered Keisha, I was in a different place.

I was looking at a younger version of myself playing in the park with a little girl. My mother was sitting on a park bench nearby, watching us with a smile on her face. Every now and again she glanced across the park at a man who I think is my father. He was talking to another man who had his back turned to me. My father looked rather irritated and he swung his hands around madly as he shouted at the man. "How could you do this to me brother?!"

"I thought this is what is best for us since we are going to war. We will be protected." The other man spoke and I instantly recognized his voice as Uncle Malik's.

My mother turned to the younger me and said. "Take your sister over to the swings. I have to calm your dad down a bit ok sweetie?"

Little Veron nodded and grabbed the little girl's hand as he led her toward the swings. He glanced over his shoulder just as his mother reached the two guys and started talking to them.

"Is daddy ok?" The little girl asked.

Little Veron nodded. "He will be ok Becca. Mommy always makes sure he is."

"Veron you're hurting me!" Keisha's voice pulled me from my memory. She pushed me off of her and tried but failed to sit up. "It hurts too much." She complained. "We need to find another way to restore your memories."

I sighed and reclined beside her, pulling the covers over our naked bodies. "I'm sorry babe," I told her. "I don't know how to control it."

She let out a long breath and rolled over so she was now lying on her back. "Do you think it will stop once all your memories are restored?" She asked.

I haven't thought about that before. "Maybe," I answered as my mind drifted back to the memory. My parents had other children. Uncle Malik told me that I was an only child. Why wouldn't he want me to know my siblings? Are they all dead?

Keisha shoved my shoulder. "Are you ok Veron?" She looked concerned.

"Yea K.P. I'm ok."

"Are you sure?" She asked again. "Your furrowed brows are saying otherwise."

I exhaled unsteadily. "I think I have a sister....or use to have a sister. I don't even know. I just had a memory of being in a park and playing with my little sister."

She nodded. "And you're sure it's your sister or maybe she was a childhood friend." She reasoned.

I shook my head. "No. My mother told me to go play with my little sister so I think she is my sister. And one more thing was weird about this memory, Malik was arguing with my father."

"Arguing about what?"

I rubbed my hand over my head. "I don't know. It was something that Malik did though. He said it would protect them when they go to war."

Keisha was silent. I didn't blame her. This was all too crazy for anyone to go through.

"When they go to war huh?" She finally broke the silence. She was staring across the room as if she remembered something. If I could just read her mind.....

"Was Malik in the army?" She asked.

"Yes...I think I've heard him mention it once."

"So you're dad was a soldier too then?" She asked and I exhaled.

"We'd have to have sex again to find out." I snickered and she swatted my arm.

"No way! I don't think I would be able to walk again if I had another episode with you tonight!" She laughed at her own joke.

We chatted and laughed for another hour before we decided to take a shower.

"You're coming in the shower with me? That's just so wrong." Keisha said when she saw me undressing.

"What's the matter K.P?" I taunted her knowing how conservative she was. "Are you scared I'm going to bite you?"

She rolled her eyes. "Can I at least turn the lights down?"

"Why? I've already seen you naked before. It's no big deal. Now get in the shower before the water gets cold." She yelped when I playfully slapped her butt.

The water did wonders for my muscles and I watched as Keisha tried to wash her body while keeping her breasts covered with the other hand.

"You don't need to hide them. I've seen them before." I told her and she blushed.

"Ok then. I have a proposition." I gently removed her hand so her breasts were now exposed. "How about I keep them hidden for you?" I asked and she cocked her head to the side trying to understand what I meant.

I stooped a little almost taking her entire breast into my mouth and I heard her gasp.

"I thought we were taking a shower." She said breathlessly.

"Yes, we are," I told her. "I'm showering your breast with my tongue. Don't you like it?"

She didn't answer. She just held my head and pulled me closer to her body. I smiled against her firm nipples, happy that I was pleasing her.

"Veron? Are you in here?" I heard Vanessa's voice just outside the bathroom door. As I was about to answer she pushed the bathroom door open and barged in.

"What the hell?!" Keisha screamed as she grabbed the shower curtain and used it to cover her body leaving me with my hard manhood fully exposed to Vanessa.

Vanessa stared at me for a while then she looked up at my face. She coughed uncomfortably. " need to come now! Someone bit Damion."

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