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"Be someone's strength.
Be someone's inspiration.
Be someone's reason to never give up."

Veron's POV

I sat by my bedside watching Keisha sleep. Ever since the night we rescued her I had insisted that she sleep in my bed every night. She objected at first, saying that she was a big girl and could take care of herself. After three days of persuading her, she finally gave in. We agreed that she could have the days to herself as long as she stayed indoors and I would watch her at night.

Don had gotten away after Malik, Kaitlyn and Vanessa fought him. They had managed to rip off his left hand though before he ran. Probably he has left the country by now but I am not taking any chances. I will protect Keisha whether he's here or not.

Damion, on the other hand, has been a wreck ever since he found out we were vampires. He won't talk to anyone and he locks himself in his room refusing to come out. I don't even know what to say to him or if I should just erase his memory altogether.

Keisha stretched and her eyes fluttered open. "You know it's kinda weird for you to watch me when I sleep, right?" She smiled at me.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Not at all K.P." I smiled back at her. "Good morning. Would you like some breakfast?"

Keisha giggled. "You can cook?" She asked.

"I can get someone to make you some breakfast."

"Nope." She shook her head childishly. "If you are not preparing it, I don't want any breakfast."

Oh boy.

"Anything for you K.P." I smiled at her. "Prepare to be wowed."

Now, why did I just say that when I know I'm terrible at cooking?

I walked out of my bedroom and dragged my feet slowly toward the kitchen. Grabbing two eggs from the fridge, I cracked them into a bowl, added a pinch of salt, and stirred. I smelled OK so when the skillet got hot I poured the egg in. When the egg was golden brown, I placed it on a plate and added two slices of bread. I poured some orange juice into a cup and beamed, feeling proud of myself. I guess I'm a better cook than I thought I was because this smells really delicious.

I walked up the steps and pushed the door to my bedroom open. Keisha was still in bed watching reruns of  Tom and Jerry.

She sat up and smiled when she saw the tray in my hand. "Wow. That smells wonderful."

"I knew you would be wowed," I smirked at her and she shook her head.

She took it from me and took a sip of the orange juice and smiled. That's a good sign.

She bit into the egg sandwich and started chewing. After a few seconds, she stopped chewing and spat the contents back onto the plate.

"I think I just bit a piece of eggshell." She made a face.

"Well, it is an egg sandwich," I said ignorantly.

Her eyes went wide. "You put the shells in it?"

"Hhmmmm... I wasn't supposed to?" I stood there feeling stupid as hell. Why didn't I Google a recipe first?

Keisha sprung out of bed and ran to my bathroom. She sounded as if she was throwing up everything inside her and I didn't know if I was supposed to go hold her hair or something so I just stood where I was.

I rubbed the back of my head. "Hhmmmm...Keisha are you OK?" I asked and she answered by throwing up again.

Oh my gosh! What have I done?

She walked out of the bathroom looking pale as ever. "I think I'm going to go to the kitchen and get some water.....that doesn't contain any eggshells."

Despite this being a kind of serious situation, I found myself laughing. Keisha glared at me and I held up both hands. "Sorry for laughing."

She rolled her eyes and walked toward the kitchen. I trailed behind her, still snickering.

"Hey, Damion," Keisha said as we reached the kitchen. "Quick question. When you are making eggs, do you mix the shells in as well?"

"What? No! What kinda crazy person would do that?"

She pointed at me. "Him. He made me a breakfast of eggshells and juice."

Damion grimaced. "Well of course he did. He's not human after all, so how could he know."

I sighed. "Come on bro. You need to forgive me now. It wasn't even my fault."

He placed his hand on the table and stared at me. It was a very quiet voice he asked. "How long have you known?"

Should I lie to him and tell him I just found out recently? If I do he might have some leniency towards me. But lying is what got me here in the first place... 

"I've known for a couple of months now," I said equally as quietly.

"So you kill people and drink their blood? You're really a monster then. Did you kill Abby too?"

"No, I didn't kill Abby. Come on man. I had Ebola last year and was going to die, so Uncle Malik had to change me." I told him honestly.

"Really?" He folded his hands across his chest and gave me a scrutinizing gaze. "You had Ebola? When? How come I didn't know about that?"

I never thought about asking other people about my sickness. I just took my uncle's word. He wouldn't lie to me, would he?

"I'll be in my room vamp," Damion said to me and I chuckled a bit. "Please do not try to drink my blood or kill me while I sleep."

I couldn't stop laughing. He was really funny. Even as he was stomping off to his room, my laughter echoed through the kitchen.

Keisha was glaring at me.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"You need to apologize to Damion." She told me firmly.

"Why? I didn't do anything wrong....intentionally." I defended.

She rolled her eyes. "If you don't apologize I won't talk to you either."

She looked so childish I couldn't help but laugh at her too. "Come on. I can't have my girlfriend not talking to me." I said and she stared at me with her cheeks changing to a pretty shade of pink.

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