Chapter 77: The Nightmare

Start from the beginning

Before I could say anything, Master Yoda leaned forward. "Just any lightsaber this is not. To Vorlega Kryze this belonged."

This immediately got everyone's attention. Obi-Wan looked at me with his eyes wide open. He mouthed out. "What are you doing?"

"Trust me." I whispered back.

"What happened to her?" Kina inquired.

" see, Vorlega sent me a private message, informing me that if I don't make my way to Akiva by myself, she would begin by killing a village that was by her. I didn't wish to tell the Jedi Council because I knew you would try and help, but I didn't want anyone to die." I began as I handed Master Yoda Vorlega's lightsaber. "But that was my mistake, Vorlega wasn't on Akiva. My scanners picked up ship similar to the one she always flies around in on Mustafar. So I went down to check it out. And I discovered that Vorlega left Dooku, she is working with Maul. Vorlega and I then fought, and I killed her. She left me with no choice, Masters."

"Well, looks like we got one less Separatist to worry about." Anakin pointed out. 

 Some of the Masters glanced over at Anakin, but he merely shrugged, knowing he had a point. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan placed a hand over his forehead, and Ahsoka simply rolled her eyes. 

"Informed us of this, you should have. Done nevertheless the damage is. Glad I am that nothing happened to you, Storm." Master Yoda mentioned.

"Have you learned what Maul is up to?" Obi-Wan asked. 

"I'm not exactly sure, but all I know is he's building an army." I explained. "Vorlega mentioned that Maul's allied himself with Death Watch, Black Sun, and even the Hutts." 

"This is very troubling." Kina stated with a conflicted look on her face. 

"After him you will not go. Already done enough you have." Master Yoda warned. 

"You are lucky that you aren't being punished for not telling us this information." Master Allie chimed in.

Master Yoda nodded. "Yes, very lucky you are." 

"We'll discuss this more later, Storm. But for now, we have other matters to attend to." Master Windu reminded me. 

"Of course, I'll be leaving then." I replied as I bowed.  

With that I left, making my way back to my room. I felt terrible for lying, but if I had told them the truth then I feared things might have been worse for me. 

~19 BBY~

Months went by. Maya and I turned twenty-two years old. I spent some of my time, training with Caleb Dume. And like I told him, it wasn't long until he got his Jedi Master, which happened to be Master Billaba. Caleb was happy to finally have his Master, and I was proud of him. Obi-Wan was currently in Mandalore, while Ahsoka and Areria were sent to accompany Master Yoda and a couple younglings to IIum for the Gathering. Anakin was no doubt spending some time with Padmé in her apartment. I had returned to my room from training some of the younglings. Sirius and R3 were by my bed. Sirius was curled in a ball, fast asleep, while R3 was powered down, resting as well. I gave them a gentle pat on their heads before climbing into my bed. It wasn't long until I drifted off to sleep.

When my eyes opened, I saw Koltav in my arms. There was a puddle of blood that surrounded us. My heart clenched as I looked into Koltav's eyes, which were filled with pain. I placed a hand on his cheek. "Koltav, just hang in there. We'll get you out of here."

He weakly raised a hand, placing it on top of mine. "We both know that's not true, Storm. I'm not going to make it."

I shook my head. "No, don't say that. You will make it through."

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