Chapter 71: Festival of Light

Start from the beginning

My eyes widened at his words. That would be horrible. I knew how close Anakin was to Palpatine, and it made me uneasy. If only I could tell Anakin what I knew, then he wouldn't say that ever again. 


As the day of the festival arrived, Master Ti, Master Koon, Kina, Master Allie, Master Gallia, Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Mundi, Master Tiin, Master Fisto, Master Koth, Anakin, Ahsoka, Thox, Areria, Jinx, Maya, and I all went over the plan with a holomap.

"As you can see, we've mapped the Chancellor's route to and from the festival stage. We know where he'll be at every moment from the time we land on Naboo." Master Windu began.

"What security measures are in place?" Master Koon questioned. 

"The Naboo Royal Guard will have armed sentries at all entry points on the palace. And the stage itself will be sealed off by a ray shield for the duration of the event." Kina explained as she pressed a button, revealing red dots that represented all the entry points. 

"I see nothing here to worry about." Anakin mentioned. 

"With complacency comes vulnerability. Yes. It is what we do not see that concerns me. A long time to plan his attack, Count Dooku has." Master Yoda warned. 

"Yes, we thought we'd have an advantage with Obi-Wan on the inside, but we've had no communication from him in days." Master Windu informed us. 

"Obi-Wan will do his part. Let's make sure we do ours." Anakin retorted.

With that, Anakin gave Master Windu one last look before storming off. Master Windu glanced over at me. I took one look at him before following Anakin towards the hangars of the Senate building. When everyone else approached the hangars, we made our way to Naboo on the Chancellor's ship along with a few clone troopers and Mas Amedda, the Vice Chair of the Senate. Sirius and R3 were allowed to joined me. Once we reached Theed, Naboo's Capital, we saw the Queen Neeyutnee of Naboo alongside Padmé, my mom, Bail Organa, Lorea, Orlamax, and Jeren. Koltav wasn't able to make the Festival of Light celebration. He had returned to Corellia to attend some matters within his council. The city was beautifully decorated for the festival.  

"Greetings, Your Majesty." Palpatine greeted. 

"Welcome home, Chancellor. I'm thankful to the Jedi for bringing you here safely." Padmé mentioned. 

"Yes, Senator, it is good to be back, although I think the amount of security that has accompanied me is overkill." Palpatine retorted. 

"With all due respect, Chancellor, where your safety is concerned there is no such thing as overkill." Master Windu replied. 

Palpatine let out a sigh. "So you keep insisting, Master Jedi. But I've grown tired of discussing it."

With that, Master Windu and Palpatine walked off with a few clone troopers by their sides. I greeted mom with a hug. "Mom, it's so good to see you."

"It's so good to see you, Vly'Storm. Vly'Jinx, Vly'Maya!" Mom exclaimed. 

Jinx and Maya then hug mom. Once they pulled away from the hug, mom saw Sirius and R3 by my side. She smiled. "Glad to see some things haven't changed. Any word of your father?"

My face fell. "None whatsoever. I fear the worse, mom."

Mom violently shook her head. "Do not say that. I believe he's still out there...somewhere."

"Padmé, Orlamax, Jeren, Lorea, it's good to see you all again." I greeted, changing the subject. 

"It's good to see you again, Storm. Welcome to the festival." Padmé said.

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