Chapter 69: Kadavo System

Start from the beginning

I gulped as the transmission ended. I hoped he wouldn't order me to kill her. As much as I disliked the Zygerrian Queen, I was determined to follow the Jedi Code. Once we landed, we approached the royal chambers to see the Queen on her throne with Atai, the Zygerrian Prime Minister, at her side. The Queen narrowed her eyes upon seeing us. "I wasn't expecting you, Count. Not without an invitation. And I see you have Valreka Nightshade."

Dooku raised an eyebrow. "Valreka Nightshade?"

"It was an actual name is Storm Ca'ana." I clarified.

The queen's eyes upon hearing my words. "The famous Jedi of the Ca'ana sisters."

"What's she doing here?!" Atai growled, placing a hand around his holster, where his blaster lied.

Dooku placed an arm out in front of me. "She is under my control...Storm is family after all. She's my granddaughter."

I hated whenever he told others I'm related to him. The Queen and Atai were both shocked by these turn of events. Dooku was quick to change the return to the matter at hand. "And besides I was invited, by your faithful advisor. He's concerned over how attached you've become to Skywalker."

"Skywalker is a symbol of my...our power to enslave even Jedi." The Queen explained.

"Your power over him is an illusion. You forget, I was once a Jedi myself." Dooku reminded her.

The Queen scoffed. "You have little in common with Anakin."

She then approached us, grabbing a drink from one her slaves' platter. "Please, hear my plans for the Jedi, then decide. Right now, at my facility in the Kadavo system, Obi-Wan Kenobi is in despair along with Tarom Ka where his people are."

I narrowed my eyes at her. So she's the reason that Obi-Wan, Tarom, and Rex are at the facility. I glanced over at Dooku, whose face was unreadable. After a few moments, he spoke. "I'm listening."

"Kenobi is coming to realize, perhaps for the first time in his life, that his efforts to help others will only injure them. As plans for escape and hopes of rescue fade, the gnawing fear that he will never be able to take action will grow in Kenobi's heart. To ease the burden of his fellow slaves, defiance will become compliance." The Queen explained. "When Kenobi realizes he cannot help those around him, his spirit will break and he will be mine. Ka will be quick to follow Kenobi. And If such Jedi as Skywalker, Ka, and Kenobi can fall, how many others will follow? Hmm?"

I felt my anger rise at her words. How dare she speak of my friends like that. The Queen let out a laugh. "Imagine Imagine an army of Jedi in your service. Zygerria will be invincible!"

"A most ambitious plan, your highness." Dooku mentioned.

"For once I agree with you. That plan is close to impossible..." I stated.

"However my goal is not the enslavement of the Jedi Order, but its extermination." Dooku corrected.

The queen's face fell at his words. Dooku seemed to notice my anger for her increasing as he whispered to me. "Don't shy away from the growing power within you. Give into your anger, let the hate fester and flow inside you."

Blinded by the growing rage, I used the Force, lifting the Queen up in the air. The Queen looked around in horror. I could never forget the look she gave me, but I didn't stop. I then clenched my fist and she began to choke. She raised her hands up to her neck in a vain attempt to free herself from my grip. Dooku placed a hand on my shoulder. "Storm, as much as I'd like you to eliminate her. We want her to comply. So let her go."

Reluctantly, I followed his orders, knowing what would happen if I didn't. As soon as I released the Queen, she fell to the floor as she began coughing, gasping for air. It was then when I realized what I had done and I was mortified. I allowed my emotions to get the better of me.

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