"But I want to because I love you" he says taking my hand into his.

"I love you too" I smiled.

"Also because we're gonna be having a good night tonight" he smirked and I let out a laugh.

Shawn and I both ordered and then had our drinks being poured by the waiter. I started playing with the  cutlery on the table.

"Keep your eyes on the drinks and not my girlfriend" I heard Shawn's voice spit in a rude tone making my head snap up.

I glared at Shawn and glanced at the waiter who looked terrified. "If I catch your wondering eyes one more time, you won't have any" Shawn threatens and I kicked his shin under the table.

"I'm sorry, he has no self control" I say and the waiter hurriedly walked away.

"Shawn that was rude!" I exclaimed.

"I don't care. He should have some respect and decency not to stare like that, especially at you" He says.

"What are we going to do with you?" I say as I shook my head.

Our dinner was served and I must say it was the best food ever. The pasta was cooked so well and I think I could eat it forever.

"Are you still upset about the boys?" Shawn asks and I sighed.

"I mean I'm a little upset because I feel like they're excluding me" I say in all honestly.

"Do you want me to speak to them?" He asks.

"No!" I yelled a bit too loudly which made people look at us.

"I mean don't because I don't want them to think I'm a whiny complaining jealous bitch. I don't want to be annoying by telling you to sort the problem out" I say.

"It's okay to be upset and jealous because they're your friends and not Mia's" he says.

"I mean they can be friends with whoever they want but it's just I feel replaced. It's been almost a few days and they're just obsessed with Mia. I mean there's no problem but like there is- it makes no sense but I just don't know how to explain it" I say with a sigh as I played with my food.

"Mia's going to go in two days so you won't have to worry anymore" he says and I nodded.

"Let's not be upset about it because we have each other. I can be your best friend!" He says and I laughed.

"You are my best friend" I say and he smiled.

Shawn paid for dinner and then held my hand as we walked outside. My teeth started chattering and I was starting to shiver but I pretended like it didn't effect me.

"Are you cold?" He asks.

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine" I say with a forced smile.

"Elle" he says narrowing his eyes at me.

"Fine I'm cold. I'm freezing and you were right I did need to bring a jacket" I say and he started laughing before he took his blazer off and wrapped it around me.

"Why are you so stubborn sometimes?" He says and he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

We walked to the car and by walked, Shawn pushed me because I was too cold to walk. He dragged me to the car and got me in. I rubbed my hands together as he put the heating on.

"Shawn!" I exclaimed and he turned his head.

"What happened?" He asks in panic.

"I might die of hypothermia, quickly kiss me" I say and he chuckles before leaning down to kiss me.

"Wow how are you so hot" I exclaimed and he grinned.

"I'm always hot baby" he says and I rubbed my cold hands again his face.

"You're hands are freezing" he says and as he pulled them away.

"Put your hands on the heater" he says and I placed them over the heating vents.

"You're gonna need warm hands if you're going to touch my dick tonight" he says with no filter and I gasped.

"Shawn!" I exclaimed.

"But baby we both know it's true" he grins...

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