Chapter 45

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I walked to the living room seeing the cavalry gathered in my home. Everyone is here. "Is she alright?" Suen asked. "Who is alright Sue?" I asked. "Anika who else?" She said. "Anika? What happened to her?" Matt asked.

"You don't know?" She asked. "No, we don't I thought we are here for the party Mr. Westbrook promised us after we won the record deal. That is what he told us anyway, I mean Noel did." Jamie said. Arijit too looked clueless.

"Anika is missing" Noel said. Everyone gasped. Everyone except for Suzen looked surprised. "How suzen? How you know?" Arijit asked. "She knew because she was the insider. As Angel said someone hidden in our network was helping my brother and Naveen."

Arijit's jaw clenched. "Mr. Westbrook, are you out of your mind? She can never harm a soul" I smirked. "You will be amused knowing what a jealous person can do. And she is not different." I said.

"Suzen cannot do it she is in our group since it had formed." Matt defended her. "Mr. Westbrook if it your idea of joke then you shouldn't have called us here to celebrate," Jamie said. "Come on guys we need to leave." Arijit said getting up.

"I thought you said you were her best friend Arijit and you will protect her at every cost" He landed a punch but I wasn't the one to stop it, it was Noel surprisingly. He held his arm. Arijit too looked surprised so as the others, except for sue.

"Why you did it sue?" Noel asked. "You too Noel?" Arijit said in accusatory tone. "Noel is right it is Suzen, she was the insider." Kendra confirmed. "Based on what facts?" I looked at Suzen who was trembling badly now. She should.

"Anika found out who she was narrowing down the suspects from the recent accident from the race track, and not to mention earlier this month after concert. Someone tried to kill her. Someone who didn't wanted her to survive." I said.

"And the one name on her list she had taken into consideration was yours. Because see I found this. Your ring which I think Arijit had gifted you when he proposed. It fell off when you were trying to destroy as much evidence as possible. Making it look like a case of robbery which it was not. Tell me Suzen why you hold a grudge against my Angel and my unborn child?" I asked.

It was there turn to gasp. "Anika is..." "Eight weeks long." I said. "And I don't feel good about her being away from us." Noel said looking at me. Us... not him but us...

"Suzen you were in the employee list in the Finance and It department. You are good with computers, even when you majored in Cultural studies, you had secretly majored in computer science too. Didn't you? And you got yourself in by messing with my servers, and then you started to destroy me from inside. But if I was the one who was your target why harm Anika? She never hurt anyone... she is loved by everyone Suzen why then?"

"That is why..." She spoke after a long silence. "That's why I hated her, it was obvious, I was in the group for so long, but I never ever get fully accepted by them. I was shy and reserved, but no one tried to break through me, or my walls. Not even the boy I love."

And she was not looking Arijit, she was looking at Noel. "She had to come and ruin it. At first it was alright. She was alone needed some friends, I guessed why not let's just be her friend, she seems to be a good person in heart. But then I start to see how fiercely protective everyone of her."

She paused looking at her picture in the frame I had decorated my house with. Yes, she is here where she should be, adorning every single corner of my house, dustiest and dirtiest corner of my heart too.

"She is always protected by guys in our group more than I or Kendra. But I didn't mind it, not until I saw how Noel was strangely very much protective of her. I wanted to know why he noticed her, when he didn't even noticed me. So when that day he stormed off angrily when everyone was asking about her and her husband's new found relationship status, I knew why. I heard him talking to Matt."

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