Chapter 22

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He turned the key and the machine roared to life. He looked at me. Is he really that old? He look more like a biker than a CEO, of a billion dollar company.

"Are you coming?" He asked. I looked at the sleek ride, she is a beauty no wonder, it is equally dangerous. How come Evander Westbrook like something like this? He is no risk taker as I know him, but this thing proves otherwise.

"What happened Princess afraid of little speed?" I shivered at this proximity. He was too close to comfort. He kissed my neck pulling me into his chest. I can feel his every muscle clearly and it is not very comforting. "Sir," I called.

"Evan, just Evan" He said pulling back. "Come" he said softly. And he lead me to the bike. He hoisted me up, I so feel like a little child. He placed me on the bike. And then he climbed up.

He pulled me closer and the engine roared to life again. "Hold me tightly or you might fall" He said as he pressed on to the accelerator. I clung to him for my dear life as he drove down busy streets, swishing pass many traffic signals.

I wanted to enjoy the bike ride with my husband but his speed is making me think otherwise. Yes, I do love speed but, not on the expense of my life. "Having fun Angel?" He asked. "n...No slow down" he laughed. He actually laughed at that.

"Don't worry Princess, no harm will come to you ever. Not until I am alive" He said slowing down a little. His words were more like a promise. He parked his bike and I released my breath I didn't knew I was holding.

" I thought you might like history, so I bought you to the museum." He does knows me well enough. I don't know how but he do. He pulled me close to him and we walked inside.

I cannot believe it, I always wanted to come here. But no one ever took me anywhere. I was given a guided tour, he had hired a guide for us specially. I was listening to the guide and sometimes when my eyes met his grey one I found him looking at me intently.

I don't know what he was looking for, but I never saw that much longing and loneliness in his eyes like I see now. It was same as when we met for the first time. "What are you looking at?" I asked. "n...nothing, just you" he shuttered, oh did I caught him?

Once we walked out he pulled me closer as a cold wind rushed passed me. I shivered lightly. "It's a windy day in New York." He commented opening his jacket and draping it around me. "Are you not feeling cold?" I asked. He shook his head in no.

I nodded pulling his coat close as he lead me to a car. Where did his bike go? He opened the door and I got in. He too got inside and started to drive. "You were not very comfortable on my motorcycle, so I thought this will be more comforting for you."

I stopped rubbing my hands together as he already had turned on the heater. "I was not uncomfortable I am just not comfortable with your speed." He smiled at me touching my chin with his hand.

"You are not comfortable because you are not the one behind the wheel, you hate when someone else tries to control your actions. But Angel, in a relationship the wheel might not always be in your hand and you have to trust your partner to give you ride of the lifetime sometimes." He said.

"It is hard to trust someone knowing that what power they hold over you, how easily the person can ruin you. One thing I know Mr. Westbrook, that given time and opportunity, a person can ruin you, if it means that he will be benefited in any way." He looked at me with a look of surprise.

"You speak like a true business woman Angel, but life is more than that. If it was not then I might not be sitting here as your husband, you might be married to someone you don't want to, and we might never got a chance to know each other more than just business associates. I too didn't believe in fate. But I did believe in it. I do now, being with you here like this, I do believe it now. I never ever thought I could get obsessed over someone. I am now doubtful over myself that what I was and what I am now are two very different persons."

I don't know why but his words tugged my heart. I never felt like this in entire eighteen years of my life. Was he really the one for me? Will he ever feel for me? Or I am risking it all over a little hunch? Was it worth it? If he leaves me with a broken heart there will be no one who can ever pick me up and mend me again.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "You will see it is a surprise." He said. I think he is trying so hard to keep me happy, but the question is why? Is it because he is insecure about us?

He took me to the liberty island to see the statue of Liberty. Oh that was something on my travel list all along. He took a basket and set it up. "A picnic?" I asked. "Ideal idea for a date" He said. I smiled. "thank you" I said. He nodded and held out his hand for me.

I took it, and again I felt it the tantalizing electricity all through my body. I don't know why but I think I might love for him. And it can end up very badly. Because he might not acknowledge it after all. He after all made it very clear that his work is what matter most. I was not in that equation.

I regarded him cautiously, even if I love him but I cannot let him know this. He parked the car in garage and I got out. For a day he missed he might not come home for many, many nights. My husband is a workaholic just like my father.

But like I said for my father I was most important thing. He had loved me. I didn't even knew when He picked me up and started to walk. "What?" I asked. "you just were taking too long, perhaps you were tired to go along so I decided to give my wife little company." He said.

He placed me down on the bed and sat down taking my leg and placing it over his lap. He pulled on my shoe laces and took them off. Followed by my shocks. He slowly massaged them, making me threw my head back. It feels so good.

"I have missed you, since you have been gone" he said. "Umm hmm" I said. "You are inked into my mind, do you know this Angel? No one had made me think twice about leaving the meeting that can cost me millions but look at me today, I cant even think about money seeing your sad face. I cannot think anything other than making you happy"

"You can go you know that?" I said. He pulled his jacket off me and kissed my forehead. "No, I can't, not without my assistant by my side at least." I raised my brows. "No, not without my partner by my side, my partner in everything." He said finally.

"Sir, I don't think I am qualified enough to become your partner" I murmured under my breath. He pushed my chin up tilting my head and pressed his lips on mine. This was one of the many kisses that were filled with raw passion desire and something else, I can feel his claim, I can feel his impatience. I can feel more than that. He pulled back and his eyes twinkled with unknown emotions.

"Does that give you your answer?" He asked. I nodded, it sure did. He came into my life as my savior, a guardian angel if you may. He did so.

He saved me when I really needed him. He is worthy of my love. But will he ever return the feelings? Will he ever love me back?

Word Count: 1417 words

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