Chapter 32

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"Wake up baby Angel" I heard him say. I open my eyes and saw him. He was buttoning his shirt. I looked down from his toned body. I didn't want to look at him. Because when he is close to me, I start to lose control on my body. I don't want to lose control on myself. I closed my eyes tightly.

I felt his lips on my neck. His hand on my waist. I shivered at his touch. After my confession to myself last night, I cannot look into his eyes. I feel shy and I feel afraid that he will know and he will not feel the same for me. I know he will not.

"I made you some breakfast and I took a day off for you. As tomorrow you will be going to the winter formal and in few days it is Christmas. So, I think I would like to spend few quite moments with you, my wife." He said.

"Look at me, you know I love to see your eyes" He said placing his hand under my chin to lift my face. My eyes met his silver one. "Why are you up so early?" I asked.

"To take care of you of course. I think my wife doubts on me and my loyalty, so I decided to show my wife how much I really care for her." He stood up and took my hand. "I made you breakfast" He said. And then he handed me a plate.

"what's in it?" I asked. "I don't know how to make Indian food, but I took some advice from my father-in-law and well, I thought you like it." He said and I picked up the plate cover. It was my favorite Aaloo paratha, but how he learned that I don't know, that too just in an hour and how he did that I don't know.

"Thank you, but you don't have to just learn how to cook Indian food just for me. You could have cooked anything and I would have eaten it." I told him.

"I have taken an Indian Wife, and I would love to learn how she had stayed before becoming my bride, as his daddy's princess. So I can make her my queen, so how can I ever question her comfort. After all a king never ever crosses his queen's decision." He said slowly touching my cheeks. "Thank you, You really didn't have to." I said.

"Oh, but I have to because if I don't then, I don't think I want to have any kind of complications, and mistakes, any misunderstandings between us, also I don't want to give you any reason to dislike me anymore. I don't want to let you go or let anyone steal you away from me." He said.

"I think you are getting too much possessive of me." I told him. "I am very possessive of you, because I am your husband. And it is my right. You are mine." He said. I smiled. "I will not lie to you, I don't love you, but I like you, I so like you. I wanted you, when you first time talked back to me. You talked back to me and I wanted to pull you in my arms and kiss you just to shut you up. But I never had any good intentions with you. I am selfish. I wanted you, and I got you" He said.

"Come on we are getting late for our date." He said getting out of the room and giving me privacy. I took out a simple dress and wore it. I walked out after doing my hairs. He was walking out of his room and then he stopped at his tracks and looked at me. I looked into his eyes. And it was like whole world had stopped. I can only see him. He walked towards me and I looked into his eyes. He pulled me closer and placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Don't look at me this way, I feel shy when you do that," I said. "But you never felt like this before." He said. "no, I don't at least not before..." I paused I was just about to reveal about my feelings. "What?" he asked. "Nothing, are we not getting late?" I asked. "No, tell me why are you feeling shy?" He asked. 'N...nothing" I told him.

He took me out for a date. First to his garage. Then he took out his bike. " We are riding this?" I asked. He nodded. "Ok then," I said. He took me to a park, surrounded by water fountain. It was beautiful. "This was your plan?" I asked.

"Not exactly, you see I really didn't knew what you would like, for other girls I can imagine it but you are not just any other girl. You are special. So, I let you chose" He said. "So it's the map where you like to go first?" I took the map and pointed at random direction.

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