Chapter 44

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I came home thinking about seeing my wife but I found the front door open, she knows better than to keep it open specially in a time like this. I walked in and a feeling of dread gripped same kind I felt when... No it is not like that. Anika is safe, I made sure she was safe.

I want her safe. I walked in quietly. I saw it then a broken tea cup, one on the bar near stove. There was someone there. Someone with her. I can see that now. I can see it.

I called my PI and I walked through her room, nothing, she isn't there. She is not here, where is she? I called her phone going around the house and found it ringing and abandoned by his study. He walked in and saw her working on the list.

A very detailed list. And she is narrowed down some names. I heard someone coming. I closed the door to my office keeping the evidence for myself.

I saw my PI walking in. "What happened?" He asked. "She is taken." I said. "Taken? I thought she was protected all the time how it can happen?" he asked. "It is happening again. All over again. I don't know how to do anything anymore. I cannot go through it all over again." I said sitting down.

I don't know who I can trust with the information she might had left for me, other than myself at this point. If she had been abducted so neatly it had to be someone she trusts. Trust to let them in the house and make tea for them and get abducted.

"Ok Mr. Westbrook, I need you think clearly is there anything odd you may have seen from the time you were here last, was she acting strange? Out of personality may be?" he asked. "Not that I remember, she was always this much attentive... Nothing out of her character." I said. He nodded.

"Did you called her?" "As usual I checked on her... she seemed her happy self as always. No problems there." I replied. "Alright, I will see what I can find out. I think it may be for ransom, we should wait before letting the authorities know, it could you know mess things up." I nodded.

I looked at her picture, she looked beautiful timeless. "Where are you Angel. Please come back wherever you are." I whispered to the empty house. I walked in to the office and gone through the board she had put. How she does that? I say she is a sharp one.

I hope she is sharp enough to leave me clues. Please baby anything, just a little sliver, a little sliver is all I am asking for. I looked through the list which she had cleverly hid underside of the table. Somewhere on one can care to look inside the cabinet. She is clever girl.

I got through the notebook, looks like someone is in hurry of taking something from here, messy. I remember the trick she taught me Daphne into crime shows a lot and it is a blessing now that I paid attention.

I took a pencil and rubbed it over the paper and there it was names, she is good. Now that I have something. "I am going to find you, it will not end like it had before Angel. I am going to find you. I promise.

8 years earlier

"Candice, can I see what you are doing?" I came home after a long journey from my college. It is tiring. But seeing her is refreshing. My darling wife. I cannot imagine only a few months ago I had resented her. But now, I don't think I can live without her.

I held her waist and she stiffen. I still don't know how to make her believe that I have changed and I am not the one she had seen months ago. I guess I deserve this. Her resentment. "Nothing Evander. Just something silly" She said to me.

"Silly? If it is Silly why you are concentrating do hard on that pad? That is must be something special." I said trying look over her shoulder.

The Indian Wife (Billionaire's wife 2)(Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora