Chapter 26

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I woke up in my husband's arms. I cannot believe he slept beside me. It was one of those rare occasions, when I mustered up the courage to sit beside him. I touched his forehead. He was fine now.

But he is going to be weak, too much weak. I tried to pulled his hands off my body, key word tried but he pulled me to him again. Why he always makes me feel like freaking stuff toy?

"Mr. Westbrook? Please let me go. I have to do my household work." I said. He snuggled closer. "Evan" I called softly and his eyes opened looking back into mine. "Let me go please" I said again. "No, you feel so warm I am not letting you go." He said pulling me impossibly close.

"I am not a stuffed toy" I said. "But you are my darling kid wife Angel. And I would like to spoil you very much. You took care of me, and I should take care of you too." He said.

"You don't have to, I didn't take care of you because you too would care for me back, I cared for you because I wanted to, now can you let me go. I have chores to do and also I have to go to office to face my devil of a boss." I said trying to get up.

He flipped us so he was pinning me down with his entire weight. I was aware that he was wearing only his bottoms and I was just in his t-shirt. "I think the Devil needs his Angel." He said.

His hand held mine and another one softly stroked my bare thigh. Too close to my no- go areas sadly. The sensation was too much for me to bear. "Anika, I want you so much. You don't know how hard is to control myself in your presence. Specially when you wear those business attires, everyone looks at you, and I get jealous" He said.

I smiled softly at his childish behaviour. "You act like a child Mr. Westbrook, there is no reason to be jealous. I will always be faithful to you in this relationship." I said.

He frowned at this and said "I never doubted you, it is others I don't trust. Like my own brother. He wants you and I know he will try something." I softly caressed his cheek.

"Don't worry, I will be alright." I said. "How can I not, I promised your father that I will keep his little princess like a queen. But somehow I am failing in it." He said.

He sat up and I did too. I held his hand, my hand felt to tiny compared to his. He can easily engulf it and no one can ever see it. Kind of scary but at the same time he can protect me from the world. "You didn't, you did enough, you did plenty." I said.

"I don't really need anything else from you. I only needed you support, you did that, even before my marriage, you were the one supported me. You stood up to my father, you shielded me from Naveen. And when it all gone down in drain, you took the fall with me. Yes you did plenty" I paused only for him to turn my face towards him.

"no one ever thought about what my favorite flowers, but you knew exactly. I got those lovely things sitting there in the vase. Those beautiful pale yellow roses." He smiled at that. "I saw them at the flower shop last night and I remembered your face. I knew because of my behaviour you must have been very much angry at me, so I bought them. I figured out you are hearts and flowers kind of girl" I smiled at that.

It Was beautiful, no one had given me flowers yet. "But I figured you never ever been one, the heart and flower kind of guy." I said. And he laughed. His laugh is beautiful. I think I can just listen to him all day, every day. I am falling in love with my husband. will he brake me? He touched my cheek tenderly.

"There are many things I am not, and yes I am not a heart and flower kind of guy Angel, but I figure I can change myself a little for you. For you have changed for me, a lot. You understood me, you understood my needs. You never demanded for anything. But I do want to treat you as my woman. I want to make you see how pleasurable it can be when you let me take care of you. And trust me Angel I want to. I want to"

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