Chapter 19

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I woke up groggily. Morning rays filtered through my window. First thing I heard was a laughter. A laughter that was not so familiar with me.

Yet somehow, I knew it. I walked out of the room and looked at a familiar face. Laughing with them was my childhood best friend Arijit. I can never forget that face.

He looked at me and his eyes lit up. My eyes well up suddenly. He suddenly hugged me and twirled me around. I laughed and that echoed in whole house. "I have missed you Ani, you know how dull my life has become without you." He said.

"you are lying, You didn't even attended my wedding." I complained. He put me down and whispered in my ear "I lost the opportunity then, someone else had married you and now enjoying your horrible cooking"

I hit him hard. "I am not a horrible cook, you always tease me, even when we are meeting after five years, after you have gone MIA, I have no one to talk to. I hate you so much, I hate you"

I shouted as he held his hands up in order to protect himself from my hits. "I hate you" I shouted at him again. And I kept on hitting him. He kept pleading me to stop. Suddenly his leg slipped and he held my hand for support but I fell on top on him.

We both started laughing loudly. "Oh I did missed this, but now you are in New York, I can visit you, if your grumpy husband do not object." He said. "Shouldn't you ask that to her Grumpy husband?" I was shocked to hear that voice.

I turned around and looked at him. He was wearing a leather jacket with black jeans and white shirt. He didn't looked like a hot shot CEO, but like some Abercrombie Model. He was carrying a duffel bag in his hand. And he looked bored.

"Why are you here?" I asked. Shouldn't he be spending his time with some of his long list of Woman. "Where I can be if not here? My wife didn't told me that she is running away from me. So, how will I feel when I return home and first thing I wished to see is your face? What can you expect me to do Angel? Leave you?" Mr. Westbrook asked in a calm and collected tone. He was looking at our entwined hands. I Felt Arijit's hold tightened over me.

Oh, yes, he don't like anyone to shout at me. Or insult me. "Yes, that would be nice if you do" I said. Mr. Westbrook didn't quite like my response. He pulled me towards him harshly. My hand left Arijit's in a moment of shock. Mr. Westbrook Softly kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear

"I will show you just how much you mean to me, and how much you are mine." He placed a kiss on my forehead. Just as my father entered. "Oh great you are on time, let's do the rituals and then we can see through the progress of the branch we are developing in New York"

I turned around in annoyance, for once I had thought he was here for me. He was not, he was here for the business deal. "Sure, just tell me where can I keep my luggage" he walked out with my father.

Arijit looked at me and smiled weakly. "His business over me. Always" I mumbled and he hugged me. "It's ok everything will be fine" I wish it would be. But given circumstances I doubt it will be.

I was dressed in a bright red saree. I hate it. I hate to be dressed like a bride his bride. Arijit looked at me with concern. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Peachy" I said through greeted teeth.

Here goes my plan to spend some time with my best friend. My mother dragged me to the place where the rituals were suppose to take place. I saw Mr. Westbrook wearing a kurta. He looked good. He nodded looking at me. Like I need his approval for anything.

"I want to eat and get out of this place" I whispered to Arijit who was sitting nearby. He chuckled "Always a foodie Ani, just bear for few more minutes" he whispered back.

The Indian Wife (Billionaire's wife 2)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now