Chapter 5

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"Is there any place left?" He asked. I looked at the sky, the sun was almost setting. "Want to go on a boat ride?" I asked. "Boat ride?" He asked. "Come on it will be fun" He nodded.

I took him to Principe Ghats and payed for the ride along the waters of ganga or as other world people know it Ganges river. Here it is known as Hooghly river, and it is very beautiful sight to see.

I saw the hues of orange, red's, yellow's spread across the whole horizon. It was beautiful. Unique and one of a kind. I heard a camera click and found him takin pictures. Who can blame him, it is a very beautiful site to see.

I wish my life too can be like this unbounded, free to flow wherever I like to but it is a childish dream.

"You look so sad" he said as we walked along the pavements surrounding the place. "I am not sad, I just don't know how to be happy yet" he looked at me and I heard the most shocking sentence from his mouth "Neither do I" The most eligible billionaire bachelor is saying he is not happy?

"And why is that?" I asked. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his jaw twitched as if he was thinking something hard. Probably debating which deep dark secret he wanted to share with a naïve girl such as me.

"It's not easy being a business man and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. There is always someone watching you, trying to drag you down, trying to pull you dark abyss from which you cannot escape.

The simple truth it, to be me I have to become heartless, truth is I don't feel anything for anyone. I cannot have a leverage against me." Wow I never thought that business needed this much sacrifice.

"And what about your family? Do they approve of you being alone up to now?" He chuckled bitterly leaning on the rails of the side walk. The waves from river splashes against the rocks below. "My family, I love them, yes I do.

Like every son should, like every brother should. But they have set their standards high and I just keep reaching them. Eventually they realised there is nothing left for them to set up. But in the process of being the son they wanted, I became like this."

It was horrible. Yes, my father is making me marry someone I don't like, yes he force me wear clothes he think are appropriate, But he let me have my freedom while I was in school.

I never had been expected to become something he wanted me to be, He let me decide for myself. Maybe I was wrong even emotionally there are people who are much more miserable then myself.

"Don't feel sorry for me. I am used to this life, my days are filled with work and more work and meetings and things like that and my night are mostly filled with alcohol and women.

And I love one night stands. So I am no saint." I can picture that and there is no way in hell I ever want to be his one night stand. He simply uses girls. And do not care for their emotions.

"I think we are getting late." I said walking away from his proximity. He suddenly held my hand and pulled me close to him.

A jolt of electric shock passed through my entire system. I closed my eyes tightly. And Goosebumps rose all over my body. This is not kind of effect you want to have on a person. His breath hit my neck.

"have you saw what I have given you?" He asked. "I...Yes I did" I said "And?" he paused. "Thank you for the gift Mr. Westbrook" I said softly. He let me go. "Now, I think I should drop you home. I have a few things to do" He said and walked towards his car.

We drove in silence until I ask "How do you celebrate Your last day of freedom as a single person back at your country?" I asked. He grinned "One day I will show you" He dropped me home and drove somewhere maybe to some bar.

The Indian Wife (Billionaire's wife 2)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now