Chapter 12

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I took a cab back to my apartment. Time to ditch the dress and get something normal for an outing. I opened my suitcase and the chain hidden underneath the cloths my mother had packed. I need to get rid of these first.

I opened the chain almost hidden inside. And I took out my white jeans from it. And a black sweater to pair it with the jeans. Luckily they never find out about it, or my mother would throw a hissy fit about me wearing anything but traditional cloths.

But again my father used to sneak these one or two clothing of my choice inside my wardrobe time to time. I called Noel and told him to pick me up. It was almost three in afternoon when he came. We left instantly.

He took me to his studio where I met his crew. The friends I met earlier. Jamie, Susan, Kendra, Matt and Of course Noel. Kendra was in charge of the dresses. Susan played harmonica and sometimes the piano, and Casio.

Matt is on Drums, Jamie played the guitar. Kendra also played the guitar and sometimes sings with Noel. So, this is their band. They call it The Magician's cove. I think it is a very cool name. "so do you play anything?" Noel asked me as he took his position.

"Not something you can use." I said. "And what is that?" He asked curiously. "I play flute and sometimes Violin too, but I am not good enough" I said looking down.

Matt came and sit beside me, Kendra and Susan were on my other sides all facing me. "How do you know you are not good enough did you performed for someone before?" Matt asked softly. " I don't think I ever had that pleasure." I said not looking at anyone of them.

"Then play for us" Jamie said coming out with a case. It have a flute, black and silver. I took it and nervously started to play.

Soon, I forgot that I have someone watching me. It is such a magic of the music that I felt so free. I was done and they are all looking at me with amazement. "A few little off keys but, it was beautiful" Kendra said. "I think you will do just fine with practice" Jamie said. "I can show you how, if you join us" Matt said.

"I don't know guys, I don't want to intrude or something in your music" I said truthfully. I still have lot on my mind. Even though when music heals me, it is still difficult to think past my present situation.

"Oh come on, we promise not to showcase you until you are absolutely ready" Susan said. I cannot say no to that face can I? "Ok, I will try, but I have to warn you guys I am horrible with maintaining a schedule, and I an quite forgetful." I said. "Don't worry we will deal with that, welcome to family Anika." Noel said happily.

It was almost six when we are done and I am dead tired. I just wanted to fall to my bed and sleep. "Good practice everyone, anyone is up for Pizza my treat Jamie announced. Everyone cheered except for me. I just wanted to go home. But my stomach growled loudly. Much to my embarrassment. Oh yes, I forgot my breakfast and well lunch. "Someone sounds hungry" Kendra said looking at me.

I blushed looking down. God I want to die out of embarrassment. "It's ok Ani, we all are hungry" Noel said. He is strangely protective of me. I don't know why. We all went to a local pizzeria. Just as my phone rang. I picked it up and it was my father "Papa, hey how are you?" I asked. "I am fine and I received the contract paper today from Mr. Westbrook. You did a great job in making the plans for new plant setup. I am proud of you Beta"

I can almost cry hearing this. It is not of the praise but it is how he said it. He is proud to have me as a daughter. "Thank you papa" I said. "Don't thank me Ani it is all you. So, how things are going there? Is Mr. Westbrook is treating you right?" he asked. "Yes papa, I am actually out with some friends and they also joined me in their group. I play with them, I just joined it today" My father laughed softly.

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