Chapter 3

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We both were quite as we watched the Manhattan bay. It is such a beautiful and quite place to be. I was both shocked and surprised to see that it is his choice of a good time.

"I might have taken out my boat but we do have limited amount of time in our hands. If your father had accepted my offer of using my jet than this would have been more pleasurable experience" He said looking at the bay.

I don't know what to say. I was even speechless that he asked the question earlier. "What did you meant earlier when you asked me if I would run away?" I asked because my curiosity got best of me.

"Just a test, I knew that an Indian family values the morals and they are always known to be a little too much prideful. I didn't know if you could sacrifice your life for that false pride. But I was wrong and I found out even at such a young age you are very brave Angel."

I was amazed and somehow terrified at his use of the word. He looked at watch and asked "Are you hungry?" My stomach growled and I blushed hard. I hardly ate last night. The feeling of impending doom kept me awake all night.

"I know a good place come, maybe I can feed you a little before I lose the chance of doing so without offending your jerk of a husband" He can joke but something tells me he is not joking about this.

He took me to a local diner not far from the place where we were now. He made us sit on the side which looked over the glorious Hudson river. He ordered somethings for us. "I wish you were not getting married so early. Maybe you can visit New York in Christmas. We have a big Christmas tree in Rockefeller centre. And the whole town comes alive with festivities." I would loved to watch it but I don't think I can do it now. Not with Naveen as my husband.

"You would have loved the Ice skating" He said suddenly while stirring his shake. "I don't know how do ice skate." I admitted. "I can teach you, I am a pro." He smiled. Only if he can. But he cannot do so. I looked at the time.

"We are getting late" I said. "I know, your flight leaves in thirty minutes and we can reach the airport from here in fifteen with my driving." He said.

"Finish that" He instructed. "I cannot I am full" I whined. "Come on you didn't ate much, how can you function on so little?" He asked. I can and I have been doing it from a long time but he didn't have to know that.

"Come on we must leave because if we don't my father will think that I actually ran away" he made a snorting noise.

"Please you are miss goody too shoes and you don't have in you to actually run away any way. So why try?" He quoted. Only if he knew the real girl I am hiding from everyone. And I think I might never be able to show that other side to anyone. Specially not to my family.

"You are awfully quite" He said as he drove to the airport. I am, because I think this is how I am going to be for the rest of my life.

"I don't know what to say" I said truthfully. "maybe you can speak your mind" He suggested. "I don't know I can, I never have spoken my mind". He frowned at this. "I think you should. It will be easier for others to see you as not meek, but the way I see you" He said softly.

"And how do you see me?" I asked. "I told you before Anika, you are one of the bravest woman I met ever."

Once we are at the airport he parked the car and he stopped me. I looked at him. "Before you go, I have a little something for you." He handed me a small box. "Mr. Westbrook I c..." he placed his finger on my lips. And I felt those shivers again. Why? I don't know.

"Just a little something I want you to open it when you reach home. Maybe you will remember me after all"

I walked through the boarding gates. And I saw him there standing smiling coyly. His eyes still shows mischievousness as before and it made me wonder if I will find a live spider in that packet. Yes, it can be. All the flight I cannot stop thinking about all the what ifs, and all I can remember is how he said I have to speak up my mind.

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