"Thank you" I smiled as I picked up the fork and started eating. Shawn took a seat next to Cole as Lance was sat beside me.

"We're getting a shipment coming in tomorrow but I'll be out so someone needs to go and collect it" Shawn says to Cole and Lance who nodded.

"What's the new shipment for?" Cole asks.

"Ashton's group are lurking in New York and apparently are going to be in a downtown club, so we are going to go down there" Shawn explains.

"Who's going down there?" Cole asks.

"You guys are not going because you haven't recovered yet but I'm sending the rest of the men" Shawn says and they nodded.

"I should be alright to sit and do the control panel in the van" Lance says.

"Well if you want to you can" Shawn says and he nodded.

Dinner was over and everyone headed up to bed for the night. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and changed into my pjs before I headed into my room and jumped straight into bed.

I let out a loud yawn before pulling up the covers and
turning the lamp off and snuggling up for the night.

My eyes snapped open when I felt something touch my arm. I jumped as I saw a figure sitting on the bed and I was about to scream but my mouth was covered.

"It's me Shawn" the figure, or Shawn says and I relaxed as he removed his hand.

"Oh my God! Don't do that! You scared the living shit out of me" I say as I placed a hand on my chest and took a deep breath.

"Get up and grab some shoes" he orders.

"Why?" I ask as I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Just do it" he says.

"I don't know how you got in here with out falling because I literally cannot see it's so dark" I say as I leaned over to turn my bedside lamp on.

Once it turned on my eyes closed quickly from the brightness. I rubbed my eyes again and looked at Shawn who was sat at the edge of my bed wearing a t-shirt and shorts with his shoes on.


"You talk too much princess just put your shoes on" he says and I got up and slipped on some flats.

"Do I need a jacket or anything?" I ask because I was only wearing a huge night shirt.

"You should be fine come on" he says and I followed him out of my room and down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I followed him down stairs.

"Shhh" he says and I didn't speak after that just watched as he grabbed his car keys. He then went to the front door and put in the passcodes and scanned his finger before it opened and I was so confused.

"What is happening?" I whispered and he just smirked as he grabbed my wrist and tugged me along with him.

We walked passed the security guards who were huge and scary but just nodded and mumbled a 'sir' when Shawn walked passed. He unlocked the big black jeep and I was still in confusion.

"Get in the car and I'll explain" he says and I obliged as I opens the door and got into the car and buckled myself in.

"So where are we going at 2am, at night?" I asked as he started the car up and drove to the gate which the guards at the bottom opened.

"I'm taking you to McDonalds" he says and I gasped.

"What! Why?" I exclaimed.

"Will you relax. Because you barely ate your dinner today and I remembered our chat earlier about you wanting to eat some unhealthy food" he chuckles and my heart melted at the thoughtful gesture.

"You're being so nice" I say and he scoffs.

"I would rather stab my eyes out before I ever be nice" he says and I laughed.

He obviously doesn't want to show his nice side that I know he has. Maybe that tough rock shell that he has on the outside will open and maybe I will get to see a softer side of him. 

"This is so exciting!" I say as I looked out the window.

Even though it was 2am the city was still so busy and lit up. New York is truly the city that never sleeps.

"You're excited over a burger?" He asks and I giggled.

"I'm always excited over food"

We pulled up at the drive-thru and he brought me a cheeseburger. I happily started eating it while we head back to his house.

"You make a mess and I swear you will not sit in this car again" he says and I nodded making sure I did not get his car dirty.

"Thank you Shawn! Thank you so much" I say as I devoured the burger that I was craving.

"Don't get used to this because I want you eating dinner whether you like it or not" he says and I sighed.

"Can we do this once in a while though? This is so fun and spontaneous" I say and he chuckled.

"Maybe" he hummed and I knew that obviously means yes.

"What happened to not going out because you can't risk your life?" I asked as I looked at him happily eating my burger.

"Some risks are worth taking princess" he says as he looked over at me eating my burger and then letting out a chuckle...

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