Chapter Twenty-Two

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           "Danny, meet Sandy." Harry said proudly, taking a step back as they shook hands. He thought introducing Sandy to someone with a similar personality would solve this entire problem.

"Nice to meet you." Sandy said, leaning just enough so her cleavage was on full view. Danny was obviously enjoying that.

"Well, I'll just leave you two alone." Harry said, but they didn't hear him, so he took a few steps back, watching as they began to hardcore flirt with each other.

As Harry was pulling out of the parking lot, he looked in the rearview mirror to see them still flirting, gradually getting closer to each other. He smiled to himself, knowing he was free of Sandy. He felt so horrible for ever talking to Sandy when Annabelle was the only girl he really had his eye on, and Sandy was just getting in the way.

So Harry drove to Annabelle's house, ignoring the fact that last time they hung out, she totally ignored him. Maybe she was just having a bad day, who knows?

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