Chapter 69

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I have a feeling this story will end up being so long, like maybe a hundred chapters or more. For some reason, I can't see it ending in only thirty more chapters, but we'll just have to go along with the flow and see what happens. I still have many adventures planned for Harry and Annabelle, and their families. Is there anything, besides Annabelle talking, that you would like to see happen with Harry and Annabelle? I might have to make a sequel to this book, if it ends in a place where there could be a sequel. I promise if the book ends and there is a way I could come up with a great plot for a sequel, I'll write it. It pains me to think that Annabelle and Harry's time together could ever end, or I might come to a point where I can't write about them any further. sigh.

"Could you leave the door unlocked? I need to shave." Harry asked Annabelle when she said she wanted to shower. She nodded and headed to the bathroom, stripping free of anything covering her body and stepping under the hot water.

A few moments later, Harry entered the bathroom. He sung loudly as he rubbed shaving cream on his face, seeing Annabelle's shadow through the curtain. He laughed when she started dancing to his song, lightly swaying her hips. She laughed with him, peeking her head out from behind the curtain to see him shaving his chin with a small blue razor. She smiled sweetly at him as he approached her, also clenching the curtain tighter so he couldn't see her naked body.

"You're a great dancer." Harry teased and pressed his lips to hers, making her giggle and press her hand flat onto his chest, pushing him away. She felt shaving cream on her cheek closed the curtain to finish showering.

Harry rinsed his face and patted it dry, looking down to set it razor by the sink. He noticed Annabelle's many bracelets scattered near the edge of the sink, and he picked them up. He wanted to know why she all of a sudden began wearing all of these one day, and if she didn't have them, then he might be a step closer to finding out. Harry took the bracelets and hid them under his pillow, hoping he could convince Annabelle to tell him what they were for when she couldn't find them.

When Annabelle got out of the shower and got dressed, she walked back to the bathroom to hang her towel up to dry. She reach for her bracelets, but when she looked down to see they weren't where she had left them, she could feel herself beginning to panic. She looked down at the floor, hoping they had just fallen, but they weren't there either. Annabelle began looking around the entire apartment, wondering if maybe she took them off some time last night and left them in a random place, and Harry noticed her frantic searching.

"What are you looking for, baby?" Harry asked, continuing to look at the television, trying to play it off like he had no idea what she were doing. She wrote down that she couldn't find her bracelets, showing the page to Harry and continuing to look under the pillows on the couch and under the coffee table.

"Why do you need them, anyway?" Harry stood up and pretended to look for them, getting on his knees to peek under the couch. Annabelle ignored him and walked into the kitchen, moving the dish towel and looking around the counters. Harry followed her around, suggesting random places for her to look, like under the bed or in her drawer. She looked everywhere, and when the bracelets were nowhere to be found, she began panicking even more.

Her eyes were worried and her breathing was unsteady as she opened the drawer of the nightstand for the third time, moving around the books and slamming it when she couldn't find what she were looking for.

"Hey, calm down, alright?" Harry cupped her cheeks and made her look at him. He hated that he were causing her to be like this, but he had to figure out what those bracelets were so important for. "What do you need them for? They're just bracelets, baby." Harry's thumb rubbed over her cheekbone, and looked at her pouty lip.

Annabelle pulled away from his touch and walked across the room to pick up her jacket. Harry tried to glance at her arms, but she held them out of his sight until she put her jacket on. He huffed, walking over to his pillow and lifting it up.

Annabelle's mouth dropped and she slowly walked over to his side of the bed, gathering all of her bracelets in her hands. She gave Harry a look of desperation, as if he'd just taken the most important thing in her life and hid it from her. Did he do this just to scare her? Why would he take something of hers and act as if he had no idea where it could be? Annabelle didn't only feel her panic leave, but she felt her anger build up. Who did Harry think he was, hiding her bracelets and lying about it?

Annabelle shoved past him and walked to the living room to roll up her sleeve and slide the bracelets on, then pulled her sleeve back down. Harry followed her, trying to explain himself, but she didn't listen to him. She didn't want to hear another lie from him today, so she grabbed her purse and left, making sure to slam the door behind her.

Harry felt so guilty, and he couldn't stop asking himself why he always did such stupid things that ended up with Annabelle getting hurt and him seeming like an asshole? What was his problem lately? He didn't understand why things couldn't just go right, why he always had to do something to ruin the good streak him and Annabelle had going on. Harry knew that Annabelle loved hiding her feelings and past, and it bugged him to death. He wanted to learn everything about her so he could constantly know what to say, what to do to comfort her and make her feel loved.

Harry waited a couple of hours, until it were almost five p.m., and then texted Annabelle, asking her to come home. He had no idea where she could be, since she didn't have to work, and she couldn't go back to her parents' house. She didn't answer him, and he began to get worried. What if she wouldn't come back? Harry knew that Annabelle had a bad habit of running away.

4:56 p.m.
To: Annabelle<3
Please come back home, I'm sorry.

5:00 p.m.
To: Annabelle<3
Are you safe?

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