Speak |h.s. a.u.|

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Annabelle, an eighteen-year-old girl.

Annabelle is not your average teenager. Three years ago, she began getting teased for never talking in school, and talking too much at home. It wasn't her fault that she was shy, and then had so much to talk about by the time she got back home to her family.

So what did Annabelle decide to do? Just stop talking completely. Yes, it was very difficult to go through with. Annabelle had to stop answering questions, stop asking questions, stop speaking completely. Annabelle soon accomplished this task, leaving her parents confused and disappointed, but somewhat happy.

Her parents tried speaking to her, but she would never answer, and hardly even acknowledge them. Her parents began wondering if Annabelle had gone deaf, and asked her. Obviously, Annabelle did not answer by speaking, but she would give them a nod or a shake of the head.

Every now and then, someone will get Annabelle to answer them with a nod, or a shake of the head, but that is not often.

Annabelle has no friends left, just her family. She has no boyfriend, but wishes she could have one.

That is Annabelle's biggest fear; finding a man who will love her and accept her, even though she doesn't talk. Annabelle worries about this quite often. She has already come to the conclusion that she will be alone and single forever. How could she get a boyfriend without speaking to them?

Annabelle is very smart, creative, has a big imagination, and is a bit of a geek, but is often depressed, worried, and too lost in her mind to do anything.

One day, Annabelle hopes to be able to speak again, but she refuses to speak to anyone until they prove that they love her and will accept her.

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