Chapter 6 - The Second Temple Part 6

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A/N - I don't own the series Danganronpa and Fire Emblem. They belong to their rightful owners, not me.

PS - Sorry it's been so long since I updated. My cat just suddenly died of old age a few months ago and I needed some time to recover from the shock. I'm recovered now and ready to get back to writing. Enjoy

Night comes to the day as the group rests up while Kiibo and Himiko sleep away. Kirumi carries a bunch of logs and throws it onto the middle. She looks at Shuichi and then looks at the logs.

Shuichi nods back as he quietly takes Himiko's red tome and summons a small fire onto the logs.
"There," Shuichi said, "That should keep us warm at night,"
"Good," Kirumi said, "Now, to ask you two as we could not question the Manakete yet,"

"A... Manakete...?" Kaede asked.
"Never heard of them," Kaito admitted.
"Man, you guys are dumbarses!" Miu shouted, "They're dragon people, damn it!"
"No shit, bitch-face!" Kokichi replied.
"Do you want me to C-sectioned you?!" Miu shouted back.
"I'm not pregnant!" Kokichi replied, "I'm a dude!"
"You will be once I fuck you up!"

"Nyeh... quit shouting..." Himiko complained as she is flailing around and trying to sleep.
"You people need to learn how to shut up!" Tenko told them off, "Lady Himiko is trying to sleep!"
"You're yelling too!" Kaito pointed out.
"Please, Gonta does not like when others fight," Gonta told them.
"Gonta is right," Kirumi said, "Now, we should get to sleep before we continue on. I shall be the one to be on watch,"

Kaito puts his hand up and says, "And I'm next, right?"
"If you wish so," Kirumi replied, "It would be practical if we all take turns to avoid getting attacked."
"Good idea, Kirumi," Shuichi said. "Now, let's get to sleep,"

Everyone (Except Himiko and Kiibo, who are both already asleep) nod in agreement as they lay down on the ground as they passed out.

A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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