Chapter 6 - The Second Temple Part 1

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A/N - I don't own the series Danganronpa and Fire Emblem. They belong to their rightful owners, not me.

The blue-haired boy, Nagisa, walks in to see Masaru punching his arm against the wall, leaving a massive, purple bruise, much to Nagisa's shock.
"Wha-What are you doing, you fool?!" Nagisa yelled at him as he grabs his wrist.
"H-Hey!" Masaru shouted while crying.
"Do I have to take you to Jataro again?" Nagisa asked him harshly.
"N-no!" Masaru replied.
"Then bloody stop doing that!" Nagisa shouted at him, "We're soldiers! We need to be in perfect health if we want to the chance to protect big sis Junko!"
"... Y... yeah, you're right," Masaru replied.

A pink-haired girl wearing a pink and girly Fighter outfit sees the two and walks up to them.
"My my, what's going on here?" The girl asked, "Is Masaru being a troublemaker again?"
"Yes, pretty much, Kotoko," Nagisa replied.
"H-Hey!" Masaru shouted.
"Don't worry, as the fighter of the warriors of hope," Kotoko proudly proclaim, "I shall defeat those evil demons!"

"I highly doubt it," Nagisa said, "But alright then,"
"Yay!" Kotoko cheered. "Now, I need to go see my messenger to see where they are going next!"
"Well, I think they might be heading to a temple," Nagisa theorised, "But I'm not sure which one..."
"Again, I'll get Gundam to hunt them down," Kotoko replied. "Especially with his adorable animals!"
"Yes, yes," Nagisa said as he rolled his eyes, "We know you love adorable things. Just go and do your business!"
"Geez, rude!" Kotoko replied as she walks away.

"..." Nagisa sighs and shakes his head, "I... I should check on Monica and get you to see Jataro,"
"Yes!" Nagisa yelled as he grabs the young, redheaded mercenary's ear and walks though the hallway.
"H-Hey! S-Stop it!" Masaru begged, "Hey! HEY!!!"


Kotoko walks through the hallway and enters a large storage room, filled with wyvern knights, Pegasus riders, cavaliers and much more.

She spots Gundam and a much larger knight with spiky black hair, tanned skin and lighting bolt eyes talking to each other. She runs up to them and calls out, "Gundam! Nekomaru!"
"Huh? Oh! It's you, fighter of the hope warriors," Gundam replied, "Say your request or face destruction of my four dark lords of wyverns, San-D, Jum-P, Maga-Z and Cham-P!"
"Yeah, yeah, I get it," Kotoko replied, "I need you to send a eagle or something like that to find out where Prince Ouma's demonic army are heading to for me so that I can hunt them down and feed them to the dragons!"
"I see, very well noblewoman Kotoko!" Gundam shouted, "I shall hunt them down with my Maga-Z, as Chum-P is recovering from that awful encounter against the prince of lies,"

"Yeah, I get it, just track them down!" Kotoko told him, which he nods and leaves. "And Nekomaru! You will be my bodyguard for this super, duper important mission, since you're a Great knight and all,"
"Ha Ha Ha, I shall, Lady Kotoko!" Nekomaru replied in a boastful manner, "I shall get my horse!"
"Yeah, do that!" Kotoko replied and turns to a soldier, "And you get me an adorable horse to ride on. But, if they're not adorable enough, then you will D-I-E! Understand?!"

"Y-Yes ma'am!" The solider stuttered as he runs off.
"Perfect," Kotoko cheered as she walks towards a box, which she opens it and picks up a iron axe, "Now... let the demon hunt begin!"

A/N - Nekomaru is a Great knight while Kotoko is a Fighter, obviously. Originally, I was gonna make Nekomaru a cavalier, but I remember he is the Ultimate team manager, so him being a Great knight is a better option despite me not being a huge fan of that class.

I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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