Chapter 6 - The Second Temple Part 3

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A/N - I don't own the series Danganronpa and Fire Emblem. They belong to their rightful owners, not me.


The small group of heroes, with the exception of Maki, who is still tied up and being carried by Kirumi.
"Why does Kirumi have to carry her?" Tenko asked harshly, "If you degenerates are so 'big' and 'strong', shouldn't you guys carry her?!"
"It's okay, Tenko," Kirumi told her, "I am a retainer, so this is part of my duty as a servant to the Lorenein royal family,"
"... Fine..." Tenko replied, "Even if I'm against it. It's your choice,"
"Thank you, Lady Tenko," Kirumi thanked her.

Kokichi yawns and rolls his eyes. He looks at Shuichi.
"I'm bored!" Kokichi complained, "Hey, Sushi! Tell me a story about you!"
"Wha-What?!" Shuichi asked in shock, "Why?!"
"Like I said, I'm bored as the dull sky!" Kokichi complained, "Now, I demand you tell me a story! How about how your parents met!?"

"No!" Kaede objected.
"Aww, why not, Kayayday?" Kokichi asked.
"It's okay..." Shuichi told her, "It's many years ago, so it's old wounds."
"Is it tragic or something?" Kokichi asked. 
"..." Shuichi takes a deep breath and explains, "Growing up... I never knew my father. All I know is that my parents wasn't married and he abandoned me. My mother was fined after my birth due to the fact outside of sex is outlawed, so to avoid the shame from my grandfather... she took her own life,"

There was awkward silence comes in, where everyone was completely speechless and wasn't sure what to say, until...
"Wow! Your father is a dastard!" Kokichi commented, "And your mother is a coward, too!"
"Dastard!" Kaito screamed at him as he grabs his cheeks.
"H-Hey!" Kokichi screamed.
"Listen here you little brat!" Kaito shouted at him angrily, "You have no bloody right to say such things! I have enough of your nonsense, you spoiled bratty prince of jerks!"

"K-Kaito!" Shuichi shouted, "I-it's okay! That was years ago and besides, I was raised by uncle... until... that..."
"..." Kaito stops and sighs, "Shuichi..."
"Do you know who your father might be?" Kirumi asked.
"... Not really," Shuichi replied, "But I was told that my father was a foreigner away from Lorene kingdom by my uncle. That's it,"
"I see..." Kirumi said, "So, he isn't Lorenien then. That means all of the males with Lorenian nationality are out of the question,"
"Yep," Shuichi agreed, "But I'm not interested in looking for my father. After all, he left me, so what's the point?"

"Yeah!" Kokichi agreed with him, "Though, I would love to hunt him down just so that I can execute him for abandoning a cutie like you!"
"C-Cutie?!" Shuichi shouted as he blushed.
"Just kidding!" Kokichi laughed it off, "Or am I? Who knows?"

"I would love to find who this degenerate of father is!" Tenko commented angrily, "So that I can slice him into bits!"
"Or we can use the easy way," Himiko suggested, "Like burning him with fire magic,"
"Wow! That's a great idea, lady Himiko!" Tenko gasped in awe.
"... Nyeh..." Himiko muttered.

"Well, I appreciate the support," Shuichi told them, "But it's okay. I honestly don't really care. I mean, he clearly doesn't want anything to do with me, so I don't want anything to do with him. Okay?"
"Fine!" Kokichi pouted. "Anyways! Chiaki! The Baeus temple!"

Chiaki slowly opens her eyes and blinks a few times as she moves her head away from Kaede's back, who is riding her pegasus.
"... Huh...?"
"I said the Baeus temple!" Kokichi repeated himself.
"... Up ahead... the hill..." Chiaki told them, "I think..."

Maki takes a deep breath and looks at them as if they're fools.
"You do realised Junko's army is going to be waiting for you guys there, right?" Maki asked harshly.
"If they are, then we will be ready for them!" Kokichi replied harshly, "After all, I'm part of the Baeus' bloodline. I mean, my middle name is Makoto, after his reincarnation naturally,"

"Besides, I don't think they will be able to find us," Kaito said optimistically, "I mean, how will they find us!?"
"With flying units," Kirumi said.
"In that case, we're gonna need some archers!" Kokichi replied, "Thankfully, we have some beast slaying weapons!"
"Yep!" Tenko agreed.
"Can we go now?" Himiko asked, "All this talking is making me tired..."

"Yes, onwards everyone!" Kokichi commanded everyone as they continue their trip.

Completely unaware that they are being tracked down by the Rarusian army from the sky, where Kotoko smirked.
"... Got them," She muttered as the wyvern riders and pegasus knights flies from a safe distance from the army, "Follow them and prepare your ambush!"
"Yes Lady Kotoko!" Her men replied as they follow after them while the cavaliers follow after the flying units as they hunt down Kokichi's army.

A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild.

Sorry I didn't update this yesterday. It was my 18th birthday yesterday and I was busy being with my family and a few family-friends as well.

Also, I'm not going to update this next week because I'm going away on holiday (vacation for my American viewers) and I need a week long break from writing. Hope you guys understand. Aqua out!

Fire Emblem Lying Truth 1/2 (Complete) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora