Chapter 46: Arguments & Negotiations

Start from the beginning

"What type of milk is this?" Aretha asked.

"This is Goff-milk from the Hapes system." Iris explained.

"It's perfectly safe to drink." Leander assured us before taking a sip from the milk. 

I did the same, and to my surprise, I found it delicious. My eyes lit up. "This is quite delicious."

"Glad you like it, Lady Storm." Leander mentioned.

At his words, Koltav immediately grabbed his goblet and took a large gulp. He fought back a smile as he spoke. "It's okay. I've had better milk than this."

"Koltav." Mom scolded.

Koltav grumbled, but refused to make eye contact with my mom. He knew he messed up. Before he could do anything else, I stood up. "I think it's best if Koltav and I take a walk outside. I believe Koltav needs some fresh air."

"Of course. I'll have one of our servants escort you to the gardens." The Queen mentioned. She glanced over at one of the many servants around the room. "Mara, show our two new friends to the gardens."

Mara, the young woman, bowed her head. "Right away, your majesty."

With that, Mara led Koltav and me out of the dining room. Mara walked ahead of us as we walked through countless hallways. Koltav whispered. "Why did you do that?"

"Really? You're seriously asking me that?" I whispered back, a little louder than I intended. "We came here to negotiate, Koltav. And you're ruining that chance."

Koltav scoffed. "That's fresh coming from you. You didn't even want to come here at first."

Before I could give him a piece of my mind, we reached the end of a hallway. Mara opened the giant doors, revealing the gardens. I looked around in awe. The gardens were filled with flowers and plants from different planets such as Pyro flowers from Sulon, giant phor trees from Belsavis, Glowvines from Haruun Kal, Amber ferns from Mandalore, which grew around the phor trees, Tarmul hedges from Qiilura, creating a maze throughout the gardens, and much more. There were also few small ponds with water lilies. And not to mention, the different creatures that dwelled out here. There were tooka-cats, eopies, narglatches, tusk-cats, and many more beautiful creatures.

"Here we are, the royal gardens. If you need anything, don't hesitate to find me or another servant." Mara informed us.

"Thank you Mara." I said, offering her a smile.

Mara returned my smile as she bowed. With that, she left us. I then whipped around to face Koltav. I was far from done with our conversation.

"Yes, I didn't want to come here. But now that we're here. We have a chance to end this war." I mentioned.

Koltav raised an eyebrow. "By flirting with the prince?"

So that's the reason for his behavior. He's jealous of Leander.

"I'm not flirting with Leander." I assured him.

Koltav scoffed. "Right, so do you hold hands with every nobleman."

I can't believe him right now. Did he trust me at all? I clenched my fists, trying to control my anger.

"So say I do give up being a Jedi once the war is over, will you continue to be like this ever time we try to make an alliance with other planets?" I protested.

Koltav's face softened. He took my hands, placing them in his. "Of course not because I intend to marry you. And if you want, you came become the Senator of Corellia. I had to take over the position of Senator of Corellia, since our former senator stepped down due to family matters. No one else wished to take the position, so I had to step up."

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