Chapter 45: Into The Heart Of Separatist Space

Start from the beginning

"State your names and your business on Dubrillion." One of them ordered.

"I am Veda Ca'ana, Senator of Echani and member of the Echani Command. And this is Koltav Catroe, the Diktat of Corellia." Mom said, introducing themselves. "And we are here to speak to the Queen and King of Dubrillion, my good friends."

"And who are these three?" One of the battle droids asked.

I tensed up at once. No doubt the droid meant Areria, Rex, and me. My mom must've noticed as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "This is Seta, my handmaiden."

"This is Ria, my handmaiden." Koltav chimed in. "And this is my personal guard, Lonthor."

After a few moments, one of the droids spoke up. "Their majesties are waiting for you in the palace."

"Should we give you an escort?" They asked at the same time.

"Hey, I asked first!" One of them snapped.

"No, I said it nanoseconds before you did!" The other protested.

I rolled my eyes. They may be droids, but they're not the brightest stars in the sky. I glanced over at my mom, who had quickly grown annoyed. However she kept her calm demeanor as she spoke over them, cutting off their bickering.

"Thank you, but we know our way to the palace." Mom informed them.

With that, we left them. As we walked away, the droids continued their argument. When we left the port, we reached a station where a hovertrain stood, near the forest. When we boarded the hovertrain, Rex glanced over at Koltav. "Lonthor?"

Koltav wore a sheepish smile. "Sorry, it's the first name that came to my mind."

Areria snickered, causing Rex to turn towards her. He may have still been wearing the helmet, but I could sense that he was glaring at her. I glanced out the window, seeing the palace on the hundred acres of land. I knew that Mom had several friends on different planets, but not once did I think that any of her friends would be Separatists. But then again, I never asked about her friends that I never meant. Jinx was that person, always asking about her friends and about their families.

It wasn't long until the hovertrain arrived at the station on the landmass where the palace was. As soon as we got off, we were greeted by a beautiful woman and a handsome man in their late fifties. They were both wearing elegant clothing. The woman wore a midnight blue dress with flakes of gold around her waist along with matching heels and arms covered in bracelets. Her long strawberry blonde hair was pulled back in a bun held in place by a golden crown with flowers. She also had chocolate brown eyes that were scanning the station.

Meanwhile the man wore black pants, a white tunic with a midnight blue waistcoat, and a red robe. Over short shaggy silver hair, he had a golden crown adorned with the most rarest of gems. The man also had emerald green eyes. No doubt they were the Queen and King. They wore stern looks that could scare the faint hearted. As soon as mom saw them, she greeted them with hugs. "Cassiopeia, Cepheus!"

The Queen and King were as equally as happy to see her, their stern looks replaced with genuine smiles. As they asked my mom a million questions, I glanced over at the pillars holding the station up. It was then when I noticed two guards by the pillars, not too far from us. No doubt they were trying to give them some space yet remain within close range in case something happens.

"I promise I'll answer all your questions. But first, I want you to meet Koltav Catroe, the Diktat Of Corellia." Mom said as she motioned Koltav to join her. "Koltav, meet Cassiopeia and Cepheus Drayen, Queen and King of Dubrillion."

As soon as Koltav reached them, he bowed before them as he addressed them. "Your majesties, it's an honor to meet you."

"The pleasure's all ours." The King replied.

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