Thirty Seven: "What the hell did you do this time? Get a splinter?"

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(The Ending of the previous chapter)
I could feel the darkness in me rising. The burning prickles starting at my feet and slowly climbing up my body, I knew this was the only way I could get out of this situation alive. But if I did that I would hurt this werewolf and even if it was a killing machine I would never hurt it.But I had too, if it bit me I would be just like them. 

I let the darkness engulf me and carry me away. I felt so bad, there was no other choice I could have made.

Remus' POV
(Back at the ball)
"Woah Riddle," I breathed as she approached me, "You look beautiful,"

"You're not so bad yourself, Lupin, but what the hell is that?"

"This? It's a bow tie... Bow ties are cool," I confidently smirked quoting The Doctor (From Doctor Who)

"You look smoking," Sirius interrupted, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Not going to lie, I do get somewhat protective of those who I like. So I instinctively made a little growl. (Which was the first sign the full moon was going to be up in a few hours or so) "Ok, ok wolf boy. I'll back off,"

For a few seconds, there was nothing but silence between the two of us. I really didn't want to dance because let's be honest, I am a horrible dancer!

"Well... do you wanna go dance?" she asked me a small smile creeping onto her face,

"Umm, I don't know, to be honest, I can't really dance,"

Out of nowhere she snatched my hand and dragged me onto the dance floor. 

"Come on it will be fun!" 

After a while and I finally got into it, it was in fact pretty fun. Well... it wasn't the dancing that was fun, it was mainly just being with her once again which made me happier than anything else.

Midway through dancing, I glanced down at my watch 9:30 PM, 'Dammit,' I thought, 'The moon rises in 5 minutes, how the hell am I going to get out in time?'

"Hey, I'll go get some drinks, I'll be back... I promise" I lied breaking the rhythm of our dancing, she just nodded and took a seat on a nearby bench. I rushed as fast as I could out of the hall, I could already feel the transformation taking place, each cell in my body burning as it slowly began to change.

As soon as I burst through the doors I broke out into the fastest sprint I could to save everyone from myself and the beast I would become in a matter of seconds. The weird and unique thing with my transformations are I am aware of everything I am doing I just can't control it, the instincts of the beast inside me take over and I can't do anything about it. Believe me, I've tried. However, that is just the hunting stuff, like if I see a witch, wizard, muggle, goblin, stuff like that I'll attack it, no questions asked.

Luckily I did make it to the forbidden forest before I changed. I just didn't make it in far enough. I did as I usually did to keep me preoccupied, chased squirrels, hedgehogs and practically anything that ran until I picked up a certain witch's sent. 

'No! Not now!' Is all I could think before the beast I was trapped inside dashed after the sweet smell of cinnamon and vanilla. 

Sitting at the edge of the great lake was the one and only Y/N Riddle. I couldn't do anything to stop it. My eyes fixed on her I could feel her fear rising inside of her. She stared deep into my eyes as if she knew who I really was, but no, how could she recognize me as this creature!"Stay Back!" She screamed in my face as she frantically grasped for her wand which wasn't anywhere close. 

'Believe me, I would if I could!' I thought, panic consuming me. The usual (Your eye colour) colour of her eyes glazed over with a deep loveless black as I lashed out at her leaving her with three big gashes running straight across her face.

'Please don't bite her! Please don't bite her!' I mentally yelled at myself, squeezing my eyes shut as I lunged at her once again. 

But... there was no one there. She was gone. The ground was scorched with a small fire burning in the spot where she once stood. And for me, The bases of my paws had been burned to a slight crisp, they oozed thick red blood, dripping on to the ground below. I needed to get inside the whomping willow but every step felt like one million daggers searing through my feet. What the hell even happened? Does she even know this 'thing' is me? Ugh, that doesn't matter right now.


The rest to the night went past a blur. When 5 AM finally rolled around the torment was over.

"Hey, Moony! You up yet, bud?" Shouted James Potter as he banged on the small trap door on the floor of the shrieking shack.

"Yeah, I am,"

"Well, here's your clothes. Also just so you know Y/N is fine, but she's totally pissed at you,"

"Good to know,"

I stood up and reached to grab my clothes when the agonizing pain I had forgotten about returned to my feet and hands, tumbling over with a loud thud.

"You okay up there?" James questioned.

"Umm... not really. I can't really walk or use my hands..." I mumbled over the pain.

"What the hell did you do this time? Get a splinter?" Chuckled Sirius.

"Go to hell Black!" I growled trying the best I could to get the clothes onto my body. Obviously leaving off the button up and just throwing on a jumper. I really couldn't walk, it was way too painful to do. God knows how I was going to get back to the castle.

"Umm guys, we have a problem, you can come in," I called out and the two of them clambered into the worn out building. Peter was probably still sleeping as he usually did on the morning after a full moon. 

Taking one look at my feet and hands James asked "What the hell happened to you? That looks really bad," I explained the whole thing to them, how I went after Y/N and tried to attack her and then the next minute she was gone and I had burned feet and hands.

"I don't understand," Sirius cocked his head to one side.

"As I said, I don't understand either," 

For the next few minutes, I spent my time trying to teach at least one of them a levitating spell so I could get back to the castle before the students woke up. To my surprise, they both picked it up in no time. When we did get back to the infirmary we found Y/N lying down in a nearby bed, the wounds I had given her weren't yet healed but they were slowly getting there.

"It got you too, huh?" She mumbled looking into my eyes sincerely.


"The werewolf, did it get you too?"

"Oh, yeah it did. Werewolves are such horrible beasts,"

"Why do you say that?"

"Look at what it did to the both of us,"

"Oh. You see I feel sorry for whoever they are. They probably can't control it so why blame them? They were most likely acting out of instincts," She was right I wasn't in control and I was acting out of instincts, "Anyway where did you go last night? Why didn't you come back?"

"I had to go clear my head, it was too loud,"

"Why didn't you just tell me?" 


At that point Madam Pomfrey barged into the room and drew the curtain around my bed cutting off the conversation, I have to say Madam Pomfrey does have the impeccable timing.

I felt so guilty. How could I even make it up to her? Was it time to finally tell her I'm a werewolf?

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