Chapter 19 - Funtime First

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"That's all for today, class. Please remember to revise for History of Magic. Exams are not that far away. See you on monday." Professor Binns said.

(y/n), Hermione, Ron and Harry went out of the class.

"Argg.. The worst part of schooling." Ron groaned.

"Tell me about it." Harry replied.

"We'll be very busy starting from this week." Hermione said.

"Great. We can't enjoy life from this day forward. Not until we finish exams." Ron groaned again.

"Or maybe we can.." (y/n) said.

"What do you mean we can?" Ron asked.

"I mean.. maybe we can still enjoy life before we suffer." (y/n) said.

"How?" Ron asked again.

"Meet me at Hagrid's tomorrow before the sunup. Probably, 6 in the morning.. sharp!" (y/n) said.

"What are we doing at Hagrid's?" Hsrry asked.

"Be there and you'll find out. Alright? Now I need to go somewhere, see you guys tomorrow." (y/n) said, and waved goodbye to the three.

"Alright. Bye." Hermione waved at her.


The next day before 6 o'clock, (y/n) went down to Hagrid's Hut early.

Hagrid wa outside cutting wood for his fire place.

"Good Morning, Hagrid." (y/n) greeted.

"Well, hello there. Good Morning to you too, (y/n). What brings you here this early of the day?" Hagrid asked.

"Well, I was thinking.. Can we go for a fishing down the lake?" (y/n) asked.

"Fishing? Why did ye suddenly decided to go fishing?" Hagrid asked.

"I don't know. It just suddenly came up to my mind yesterday. Harry, Ron and Hermione are coming as well. We're hoping to have some fun before we get really busy. Exams are coming soon." (y/n) replied
"Ah. Those three... Ye guys are very lucky I have spares of fishing rods. You guys can burrow each." Hagrid said.

"Woah. That's great." (y/n) reacted.

"Ye guys will enjoy finish. Oh, there comes the three." Hagrid pointed.

(y/n) turned around to look at them. The trio are now walking down the hill.

"Good morning, guys." (y/n) greeted.

"Good morning, (y/n)." the three replied.

"I've already finish cutting these logs and since ye guys are all here. Let me just get the things we're going to need." Hagrid said and went in to his house.

"(y/n), you still haven't told us what we're going to do today." Hermione said.

Hagrid went back outside, with 5 fishing rods in his hands.

"We're going fishing." (y/n) replied to Hermione.

"Yes! Finally something new is happening to my life." Ron said with excitement.

They all went down to the lake shore and prepared for fishing.

"Everyone, take a fishing rod each." Hagrid said, the three picked a rod they want to use.

"This one's big." Harry said.

"Oops, that's mine, Harry." Hagrid said.

Once they all have their fishing rods, Hagrid asked them something.

"First of all, kids, do you know how to use a rod? Have any of you gone fishing before." Hagrid asked.

(y/n) raised her hand and looked at the other. Harry and Hermione we're raising their hands as well. The only one who isn't was Ron.

"Don't worry, Ron. We'll teach you." (y/n) said.

"It's very easy. All you have to release the reel handle, and then, make the hook fly far." Hangrid explain.

"It's just like casting a spell, but with a really big wand." (y/n) figuratively said.

"Exactly. Hold the reel handle, then, wait for the fish to bite. Oh. I got something. Now remember, Ron, don't let the fish get away, so spin the reel." Hagrid said, spinning the reel.

"And there, you have it. You caught yourself a little fella." Hagrid continued.

"Woah. That's bloddy brilliant." Ron reacted.

"Haha! It's your turn now. Give it a go." Hagrid said as he put the fish that he caught on a bucket.

"Okay." Ron said with full of determination.

Ron cast his rod which made the hook flew a far.

"Woah.. I did it!" Ron said.

"And now we wait." Harry said.

The five sat down on a rock.

"Ahh.. It's moving." Ron said.

"Spin the reel, Ronald." Hermione said.

"Oh right!" Ron said and quickly spin the reel.

He got confuse because the force stopped.

"Wait. Why did it stopped pulling?" Ron said as he stopped spinning the reel.

"Ahww.. That's rotten luck. The fish probably got away." (y/n) said.

Ron continued spinning until the hook was fully fulled up.

"Ahww.." Ron reacted.

"That's alright, Ron. It always happen." Harr said.

"Go on, kids. Everybody try now." Hagrid said.

(y/n) cast her's like a pro and sat on a rock to wait for a fish. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Hagrid did so.

"I brought some snack. Mum, send them to me yesterday." Hermione said.

"Ohh.. Muggle snacks. Nice." Ron said.

"Can you pass me some Walkers. We never ran out of them in our pantry. Mum loves them." Harry said.

The five ate while they are waiting.

"It been a very long time since I went for fishing?" (y/n) said.

"My family always go for fishing during summer. It's really fun." Hermione said.

"Same goes to my family. Mum always insist." Harry said.

"I can't relate." Ron said.

The four laughed.

"Well atleast you are finally experiencing it now. We can do this very often you know." Harry said.

"Maybe next year. Hell week is coming. We haven't got much free time the following week." Hermione said.

"Ohh, I think I got something." (y/n) said, feeling a slight pulling from her fishing rod.

"Come on, let's see the little fella." Hagrid said.

(y/n) spin the reel until the fish came out of the water.

"Woah. Nice catch. It's a beaut!" Hagrid said.

"Haha! Thanks." (y/n) replied.

(y/n) walked near the lake holding the hook with the fish.

"What are you doing?" Ron asked.

"I'm gonna release it back." (y/n) said as she unhooked the hook out of the fish's mouth and put it back in to the water.

"Why did you put it back?" Hermione asked.

"It probably has a family. I don't wanna be the reason why its family broke." (y/n) replied.

"That's very kind of you." Hermione said and smiled.

(y/n) smiled back.

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