Chapter 13 - Gift Giving

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"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty! It's Christmas!" Gemma shouted.

"W-whaat?" (y/n) answered, while squinting her eyes.

"Just come down, quickly!" Gemma said in excitement.

(y/n) got up and went down from her dorm.

"Woah~" (y/n) said, really amazed by how the Slytherin Common room was decorated in Christmas Theme.

"(y/n) come and get your presents!" Gemma said.

"I got presents?" (y/n) asked.

"Yeaa. Come on!" Gemma said.

(y/n) quickly went down stairs.

"This is for you.. Happy Christmas, (y/n)." Gemma said while giving (y/n) a rectangular box.

"Woaah.. it's a very lovely quill." (y/n) said as soon as she opened the box.

"It's not just a quill. It makes you remember words you have written in it. It's very good for studying." Gemma explained.

"Woahh.. Thank you! I got one for you as well. Here." (y/n) said as she give a box to Gemma.

"Sorry if that's all I can give you. I just thought you would be needing a mug since you're going in an office once you leave hogwarts." (y/n) explained when Gemma opened the box.

"Ahww.. it's very lovely. Thank you." Gemma thanked.

"I think you got another gift below the tree with the black wrapper." Gemma said.

"Really? whose it from?" (y/n) asked, walking over the tree.

"'Don't know. I didn't look at it much." Gemma said.

(y/n) opened the box and in it was a white handkerchief and a snake ring.

Hmmm.. I wonder who's it from. It hasn't got any name on it. I'm guessing it's from Marcus. , (y/n) thought to herself and wore the ring.

"Happy Christmas, (y/n)." another girl greated (y/n).

(y/n) turned around and saw Pansy.

"Pansy! Happy Christmas!" (y/n) said as she hugged her and gave her a gift.

"Ahww.. a watch. Thank you. I got one for you as well." Pansy said and gave (y/n) a box.

"Woah.. Butterbeer scented candle? I've always want one. It's smell so sweet.. Thank you." (y/n)

"Ooh.. you got a nice ring. Who's it from?" Pansy asked.

"Hmm.. I don't know. I'm guessing it's from Marcus." (y/n) said.

Pansy brought out a cheeky smile.

"Hey! it doesn't mean anything.. I mean he's only like a big brother to me. Oh come on." (y/n) explained.

"Yea. I know, I know.." Pansy said while still smiling.

"If that so, then.. I should be going. I still have tons of gifts to give.

"Ok then see yah." Pansy said.

(y/n) went back to her dorm and got dressed.

She wore a green turtle neck sweater, black jeans and her favorite black converse. She also wore the black scarf that her father gave, but not wrapped on her neck, and also the black winter gloves.

(y/n) grabbed the bag with all the gifts she need to give out, then headed out the common room.

She first gave a light blue permanent rose to Myrtle. It was enchanted, which woukd never die through years. (y/n) placed it by the window that Myrtle always sat on.

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