Chapter 33 - Frozen Fun

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(y/n) was eating lunch, in the Great Hall which as decorated in Christmas decorations.

Pansy left for holidays, so (y/n) saw currently stuck with two boys.

In front of her was Marcus and Adrian who where talking and laughing very loud.

"Ahmm.. Don't you know how to feel embarrassed. A lot of people are glaring at you, boys." (y/n) strongly said.

"Don't mind about them, kiddo." Adrian said.

"Well, you're annoying me." (y/n) said.

"Geez. Fine will stop." Marcus said.

(y/n) continued eating. But a minute hasn't pass, the boys started to laugh again.

"Good heavens! I'm leaving!" (y/n) said as she stood up to walk away.

All of a sudden, (y/n) bump on someone, and they both fell.

"Watch where you're goi-!" (y/n) yelled but stopped her sentence when she looked at the person.

"I'm sorry." Draco said.

(y/n) and Draco stood up and just look at each other. It was very silent and very awkward. Both are waiting for what each of them wanted to say.

But Draco suddenly walked away without a single word.

"(y/n)!" Someone called.

She looked at the person who called.

It was Hermione.

"Do you wanna come play with us outside?" Hermione asked from afar.

"What game?" (y/n) asked.

"Snow ball fight!" Ron said.

"Yea, ok!" (y/n) replied.

The four went out, to the courtyard what was full with snow.

(y/n) quickly made a snow ball and threw it to Hermione.

"Hey!!" Hermione said.

(y/n) laughed but then a snow ball hit her back. She turned around and saw Harry laughing.

"So the has started." (y/n) said, then threw a snow ball back to Harry.

(y/n) turned to Hermione that was going to threw a big chunk of snow ball but she quickly ducked and it accidentally hiit Ron. Harry hit Ron and Ron threw his snowball back at him.

(y/n) saw a stick and used it to break snow balls being thrown at her. She threw a ball at Hermione then quickly hid behind the fountain, without everyone knowing. She sat on the ground and made tons of snow balls in different sizes.

Suddenly she heard a silence. No one was throwing. She turned around to look but three snowball just hit her.

"Why you sneaky people!" (y/n) said and threw the snow balls she made to them.

"Wait, let's take a break! I'm tired.." Ron said, and layed down the floor full of snow.

"Me too." (y/n) said, laying down the ground with her arms spread open.

She started to move both her arms and feet.

"Hey, guys look. Snow Angel." (y/n) said.

The three made theirs, as well.

"Let's make a snow man too." Harry suggested.

Harry rolled a huge ball for the bottom part; Ron rolled the middle part; Hermione rolled the head; And (y/n) search for twigs and pebbles for it's arms and eyes. They put them all together after.

"Why does it look weird? It's missing something." Hermione asked.

"Hahaha! It doesn't have a nose! It looks like you-know-who." (y/n) laughed.

"Hahaha! You're right. It does!" Ron laughed.

"The Dark Snow!" (y/n) said.

"Haha! wait. Let's make him happy at least." Hermione said.

"Hahaha! It's so funny!" Ron said.

"Happy Christmas to you, The Dark Snow." Harry said.

The four shared a laugh.

"Guys, let's stop. I'm freezing. Let's go in." (y/n) said.

(y/n), Hermione, Ron and Harry went inside The Great Hall again. They sat on the Hufflepuffs table which was infront of a fire place.

"It feel's so nice." Ron said, reaching out to the fire.

"True." Harry said, doing the same thing.

"I'm going back to my common room, guys. I need to finish some stuffs I missed in my classes." (y/n) said.

"Ok, bye." Hermione said.

(y/n) stood up and walk through the corridors, to tge dungeron, and finally Slytherin's common room.

"Pure-blood." (y/n) said, then door the opened.

She walked and saw Malfoy sitting in the sofa by himself.

The atmosphere became really awkward again, so (y/n) just quickly went up her dorm.

She was alone inside as all the girls went home for the holidays.

(y/n) layed down her bed and think.

"Argg.. what gift should I give everyone tomorrow? I like something that's handmade." (y/n) asked herself.

I know.

She took out the yarns, Molly Weasley had packed for her.

"But what should I make though?" (y/n) asked herself again.

"Meow.." Coal meowed.

She looked at Coal then noticed his collar.

"I know. I'll give everyone bracelets. You're a genius, Coal." (y/n) said.

"Meow.." Coal meowed.

(y/n) started sorting colours for each person.

Pink&White for Hermione.
Black&White for Pansy.
Red&White for Harry and Ron.
Green&White for Marcus and Adrian.

While making the bracelets, (y/n) didn't realised the time. She just missed dinner.

"It's worth it, anyway." (y/n) said.

She wrapped the gifts she made one by one.

"No, Coal. It's not for you." (y/n) said, while wrapping her gifts for her friends.

But Coal won't stop.

"Ok.. ok.. Here, take this extra yarn." (y/n) said and the the yarn to the floor. Coal followed it.

She continued wrapping them.

"And... done!
" she said.

(y/n) put all the gifts she made on a bag ready to hand out tomorrow. She kept Pansy's in her drawer as she will be giving it to her when she comes back.

Since it's already sleep time. She layed down her bed to sleep. But suddenly (y/n) felt cold despite of having thick clothes.

(y/n) decided to went down the fire place to keep warm.

She sat in front of it.

(y/n) felt very warm and suddenly fell asleep.

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