Chapter 65 - Lover's Library

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"You know.. It's so weird to see you guys here in the library. I don't exactly remember went was the last time you guys went here." (y/n) said told Draco and Pansy.

"It means better marks, does it?" Pansy replied.

"Technically, yeah. But I usually go here to read books. Not for studying. I read novels.. Especially, love stories. Muggles have good ones, like this." (y/n) said and showed them the book she was reading.

"Hmm.. Romeo and Juliet huh.." Pansy red the back of the book. "Is it nice?" she asked.

"It's my third time.." (y/n) replied.

"I'm not really a big fan of muggles but.. If you like it, then it must be nice. I'll read it some other time, if I get a chance." Pansy said.

"A chance to go back to the library." (y/n) chuckled.

"That's honestly around 75% cause my father want my marks to boost so.. yeah. Library researching is most likely now." Pansy replied.

"I haven't actually been here inside the library, to be honest." Draco said.

"You're embarrassing yourself. Stop." (y/n) replied.

"I'm serious. It surprisingly has good interior design. Very fascinating." Draco described.

"What does that mean?" (y/n) said.

"I might go here, often now. It's peaceful." Draco replied.

"Congrats to you as well." Pansy shook his hands.

"I must warn you guys though..." (y/ng said.

"About?" Pansy asked.

"Well.. you guys may not notice now, but look around you." (y/n) whispered.

"What is it- Oh fudge." Pansy reacted as she saw a couple snogging at the end of an isle, through gaps of the book shelves.

"Where? What did you saw?" Draco couldn't seen to find it.

"Right here, you idiot." Pansy whispered as she turn his head towards the couples way.

"Holy fudge.. who are those people?" Draco whispered.

"No idea. They're not the only ones. There are few couples who come here to snog as well." (y/n) said.

"This is a nasty library afterall." Draco said.

"I know.. But usually people really don't notice them. People that go in libraries do things they have to do, even them. So.. people don't care. And I don't too. I just mind my own business." (y/n) said.

"Good point." Pansy said.

"Damn.. Can't they just wait for Valentine's. It's just a week away." Draco said.

"I almost forgot about that." (y/n) said.

"Parkinson.. Crabbe like you so bad do you know that?" Draco said.

"Obviously.." Pansy replied.

"Why don't you wanna give him a chance?" (y/n) asked.

"Do we really have to talk about this?" Argg.." Pansy said.

"Just give us a reason." (y/n) said.

"Guys.. Crabbe is my friend. One of my bestfriends. I've said that a million times." Pansy said.

"Aren't there any chances to be more than that? You guys have same interests, especially about food. The things he've been doing.. is it not enough?" (y/n) asked.

"You guys are confusing me more." Pansy replied and pulled her hair.

"You wont find I guy like him. My mate is very loyal. He keeps trying. He never gives up. He put's a lot of effort on everything." Draco said.

"Damn. I don't know anymore." Pansy said.

"Just try.. Go to hogsmeade on Valentine's." (y/n) said.

"Arg. Alright, fine. One day." Pansy said.

"Brilliant. I'll tell, him." Draco stood up and left.

"I can't believe you made me agree." Pansy said.

"You'll be fine." (y/n) said.

"I'm glad he left, though. The really thing is I'm just scared, ok? You know what they say, don't date your friend. It's more painful than those who you just met. But you know, what if, right?" Pansy explained.

"Exactly, what if. It's better to find out the answers, that to leave your questions hangin." (y/n) said.

"And where did you get that from?" Pansy asked.

"Professor Trelawney.. Rephrased with my own word." (y/n) chucked.

*sigh* "You're so crazy." Pansy said.

"I know... I have to tell you something.." (y/n) said.

"Split it out, girl." Pansy said.

"It's something about Draco. I-I feel weird toward him." (y/n) said.

"Oooh.. I knew you guys are hiding something." Pansy said.

"No, no. It's not like that. The feeling.. inside me when I'm with him. I'm not so sure what it is. I'm different that before, with you know.. Adrian." (y/n) whispered.

"That doesn't sound like a crush to me." Pansy said.

"Because it's not.. I'm pretty sure it's not. You see.. there are difference between crush, like, attracted, interested, and love. Now each of them have different ways of how to feel it, how to react because of it, and how to show it." (y/n) said.

"Wow.. which one are you?" Pansy asked.

"That's exactly why I'm confused. I don't know." (y/n) replied.

"Girl, I don't really know about those are but it sounds like each of them, even in random steps, it leads to this.." Pansy drew something on a paper.

Pansy showed (y/n) a heart drawing with a red marker.

"Nooo.. You don't understand-" (y/n) said.

"Oh, I do understand. By the way, that weird feeling you were saying.. all of those things you said, it has those feeling. I ain't no expert, but aren't those facts?" Pansy said.

"I don't know." (y/n) replied.

"(y/n).. know you can tell me." Pansy told her.

"Yes. I just told you. I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out my feelings." (y/n) took a deep breath. "Do you think he like's me?" (y/n) asked.

"Draco? I guess so? He hates you before, doesn't he? A real asshole wouldn't admit they're an asshole. He changed.." Pansy said.

"You think so?" (y/n) asked.

"Well, no wonder why he kept getting close to you. You must have activated his soft spot. Oooh.. Don't worry, what every you both are feeling. I support it." Pansy said.

*sigh* "I don't know.. What does a it mean when you heart is pounding fast?" (y/n) asked.

"I believe you know the answer." Pansy said.

"Fudge.. I'm gonna explode.." (y/n) calmly said.


Lovely things are gonna happen tonight. Go on.. Continue reading hahahah! 💚

Question of the Day:
What would you do in Hogwarts' library?

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