Chapter 85 - Glamorous Guests

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"You ready?" Draco asked.

"Almost." (y/n) a sweater into her trunk. "Done." she closed it after and pulled it up.

"Woah, woah. I'll take that." Draco took the trunk from (y/n). "This is heavier than the cage and the plant." Draco said.

"Alright. Alright." (y/n) chuckled.

"Let's go. Father's waiting."

The two left (y/n)'s room and went down to the leaving room.

"Ready for year 4, kids?" Mr Malfoy asked.

"I'm pretty sure we can handle year 4, father." Draco replied.

"Most likely. This year is a fun year." Mr Malfoy said.

"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"You'll find out. Now, let's go before the train leaves you two.. Dobby!" Lucius shouted to call the servant.

Dobby, firstly, apparate with Lucius, Draco and (y/n); then with their trunks along with with other things.

"Go on now. Hop in. Dobby will take your trunks inside." Mr Malfoy said.

"Come on." Draco said.

(y/n) and Draco searched for a compartment to stay in for the trip.

"I feel bad for, Dobby. He's probably having a hard time." said (y/n), while walking.

"You can say that. But, It's all father's doing. I don't want to get involve or I don't want him to be furious at me when I do something." he replied

"Do something like freeing him? Would you actually do it?" she stopped waking and looked at him straight in the eye to know whether he'll lie or say the truth.

"Well.. Of course." Draco replied.

(y/n) smiled at him as well, and thought, "Sounds rather convincing. At least he agreed."

Soon the two saw Pansy with Crabbe and Goyle.

"I'll be back here later. I remember I have to go see Hermione first. I asked her to print something for me. I'll be back in a few. I just need to fetch it." (y/n) kissed Draco's cheek before leaving.

"Alright." Draco went inside, while (y/n) walked through the corridors to find her other friends.

When she found their compartment, (y/n) opened the door and went in. "Hey guys." she greeted.

"Hey.." Ron and Harry replied.

Hermione hand (y/n) some papers. "Here you are. As you asked for.. lyrics, and piano chords for the song, called Mad World. Luckily, I found a slow version you asked, in the internet." she smiled.

"Ooh.. I've heard of that song. Mum listens to it on the radio. You know.. the original one in 1983. It's quite popular in the muggle world. " Harry said.

"What's the song for anyway?" Ron asked.

"An intermission before the feast, arg!! I'm gonna flop." (y/n) slam the paper on her face.

"You can do it. Remember what I said?" Hermione reminded

"Yes.. Yes. I remember. By the way, thank you so much for these Hermione. I'm going to the others. See you guys at school." she replied.

"Yup. See you." they waved at her goodbye.

(y/n) was about to leave but she tilted her head back to their compartment again. "Oh, by the way. Do cooperate when I start singing. Tell Ron how it's done, guys. Bye~" she chuckled then left.

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