Chapter 20 - Not Normal

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"Arggg! Hermione, it's not sinking in" (y/n) said, pulling her hair, with frustration.

"Just read it very very carefully. Therefore you'll understand what you're reading." Hermione explained.

"I am.. Even if I write them down on a piece paper and take notes. It's very useless." (y/n) said.

"Try using Gemma's quill to remember them." Hermione suggested.

"I am using it. I can only remember the words, but I don't understand what it supposed to mean or what it is trying to say atleast." (y/n) said panicking.

"Ahmm guys.. try to keep it down. Other people in the library are starting to look at us now." Harry said.

"Sorry.." (y/n) apologised.

"Ok relax. Relax.. Just pause for a bit and take a deep breathe. Your panicking too much. Just relax for a bit, you'll remember them. Exams are in two hours. You'll have enough time." Hermione said, while holding (y/n) in both shoulders.

"Breath in.. Breath out.. Breath in.. Breath out.. Better." Hermione asked.

(y/n) nodded.

"I just don't feel really comfortable. I don't know if there's something in the library's air condition. Or.. or if it's the way I'm sitting right now. I just feel very uneasy." (y/n) explained.

"Just think about after this tests, we're going home in 2 days. Finally a year has finish." Harry said trying to cheer (y/n).

"Yeaa you're right. Curse History of Magic and Potion class. There are so many things to memorise." (y/n) said putting her hair again.

"I know.. I always get mixed up with the ingredients. Sometimes, I can't even pronounce them properly. I need to be really carefully with my spellings the most." Ron explained.

"Will you kids keep it down?" A girl from 4th year said.

"Sorry..." All of them apologised.


Exams were finished. The results had been given to the students, the week after.

"Ahhhh.. Thank Merlin! I passed every class!" (y/n) said, falling on her knees as a sign of relief.

"You're naturally smart. No wonder. What did you go, Hermione?" Harry said.

"Harry, clearly know the answer already.." Ron said.

"Congratulations to us. We just finished our first year." Hermione said.

"Pansy.. How did you go?" (y/n) asked, as she walked to

"Pretty good, actually.. I'm satisfied." Pansy replied.

"That's great. Have you packed your things for tomorrow?" (y/n) asked.

"Yup. You?" Pansy asked.

"Almost. I still have few things to organise." (y/n) replied.

"I see.. Come on. We need to get ready for the feast, now." Pansy said.

"Oh right.." (y/n) said.

(y/n) and Pansy went to their common rooms to prepare.

They put on their black pointy hat and headed back to the great hall.

The hall was gradually filled with student, chatting.

Soon, a clinking sound, caught everyone's attention.

"Another year has gone, And now is the time for the House Cup Awarding.." Dumbledore announced.

Everyone payed attention.

"Fourth place goes to Hufflepuff with 352 points.."


"Third place goes to Ravenclaw with 426 points.."


"Second place goes to Gryffindor with 470 points.."


"And in first place with 472 points, Slytherin House."


"It seems like the decorations will stay the same.. Sytherin wins the House Cup." Dumbledore announced.

"Yeaaaah!!!" Draco and his gang, that were in front of (y/n), were the first ones to shout while they stood up and threw their hats to the air.

"Fame whore, I'm telling you.." (y/n) whispered to Pansy, then threw their hats in the air as well.

And soon, every student threw theirs, as well.

"More food for us!!" Crabbe and Goyle told each other.

"You boys doesn't have anything on your mind but food.. and eating and eating and eating." Pasny told Crabbe and Goyle.

"It's a blessing, you won't get this anywhere. Well, not in our house. Mum, always put me on a diet." Crabbe explain.

"Your mum's not wrong." Pansy replied.

"Speaking of diet. (y/n), why aren't you eating? You don't even have food on your plate. Here, have some of your favorite strawberry berry jelly." Pansy asked.

"I'll pass. And no, I'm not on a diet. I just... I mean, I don't feel hungry. I'll try to eat tomorrow, before we live, or I'll just eat spicy noodles when I get home." (y/n) replied.

"How ood.. It's the first time u rejected jelly. You love it more than you love spicy food. I mean you can't resist jelly. Are you-" Pansy asked confusedly and was soon cut by (y/n).

"I'm ok, Pansy.. really.. I'm just.. not hungry." (y/n) response.

"Are you sure? I mean, you've been acting strange this passed few days. Did Marcus did something again?" Pansy asked.

"No. I'm okay. Honestly. You don't need to worry about me. Just enjoy your food." (y/n) replied.

"Well.. If you say so.." Pansy said.

"Malfoy, are you gonna finish that?" Crabbe asked Draco.

Draco just slid his plate to Crabbe's side.


After the fiest, all students headed back to each of their common room to finish packing.

(y/n) went to bed as soon as she's finished packing.

See you soon, Dad.


While writing Chapter 39.. I realised my 1st year was extremely short. But Oh well hahahahah!! Maybe.. Just maybe.. i might insert few chapters in 1st year or I don't know, maybe not.. I think it's so short hahahah.. Valentine's in like February and the end of the year feast is in June. That's a super long gap whahahah!!
Should I or should I not? Give me your suggestions please..

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