Chapter 27 - Duel Demonstration

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"A duelling club? Seriously?" (y/n) asked, while walking with Hermione, Ron and Harry.

"Yea, isn't it brilliant? We get to learn how to duel." Ron said.

"Well, the club itself is honestly an excellent idea. But, Lockhart? I mean, he doesn't even know what he's doing. I mean look what happened to the pixies few days ago. Now he's starting this?" (y/n) said.

"He have wrote few books. He's a smart, man." Hermione said.

"So? Dad told me about him. I just.. you know.." (y/n) said.

"Give him a chance." Hermione said.

"Yea.. Alright.." (y/n) forcefully agreed.

"Is this the room?" Hermione asked.

"Yea. Let's go in." Harry said.

The four walked into the room.

There were few people already around a long table.

"Let's wait for more people to come so we can begin." Professor Lockhart said, walking up the table.

"Oh my God. There he is." Hermione said, pulling (y/n)'s robes.

"Geez, Hermione. I can see." (y/n) said.

Soon, more people came and the session started.

"Everyone, welcome, welcome, welcome, to the Duelling Club. As you all know, Professor Dumbledore, himself, granted me permission to start this little Dueling Club, to yrain you all up, in case you ever need to depend yourself." Lockhart started.

"Wicked~" The twins Fred and George said, from (y/n) back.

Professor Lockhart, then threw his cape to the crowd, while a bunch of girls fought over for it.

"Geez.." (y/n) whispered.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." Lockhart pointed.

Snape walked up to the table.

"He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now, I don't any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your Potions master when I'm through with him. Never Fear." Lockhart.

"The Depense teacher, I'm worry about." (y/n) whispered to a random person beside her.

They started the demonstration.

Lockhart and Snape walked clase to each other, then brought out their wand to their chest. They, then lowered it at the side with a quick action. They slightly bowed to each other, turned around, then walked apart. Once they were few feets apart, they both turned into their positions.

"One, two, three.." Lockhart counted.

"Expelliarmus!" Snape casted.

Lockhart was threw in the air, then everyone laughed.

"See.. Just as I thought." (y/n) whispered to the person beside her, again.

"Do you think he's alright?" Hermione worriedly asked.

"Who cares.." Ron said, laughing.

"An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape. But if you don't mind, me saying, it was pretty obvious, what you where about to do. And If I had wanted to stop you, It would have been only too easy." Lockhart said. as he stood up.

"Yea right..." (y/n) whispered.

"Perhaps, it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, professor." Snape suggested.

"An excellent suggestion Professor Snape. Well.. let's have a volunteer, shall we? Ahmm.." Lockhart said, looking around the students.

"Ahh, Malfoy! yes, come up." Lockhart called seeing him raising his hand.

"Anyone else?" Lockhart asked.

"Can I choose my opponent, professor?" Draco asked.

"Well, ok then. Go on.." Lockhart replied.

"I'd like to duel, (y/l/n)." Draco said.

He's kidding. Haha. , (y/n) thought to herself, as she slightly laughed.

"(y/l/n), come up. Come up." Lockhart said.

(y/n) came up.

"Good Luck everyone." Lockhart said.

The two walked close to each other.

"Wands at the ready." Lockhart instructed.

They both placed their wand in front of them.

"Scared, (y/l/n)?" Draco asked.

She just smiled, and winked at Draco.

They, then, both lowered their wand at the side, in a quick move.

They bowed to each other, turned around, then walked apart.

Once they were few feets apart, they turned around into their position.

"On the count of three, cast your charms to disarm your opponent. Only to disarm. We don't wan't any accidents here." Lockhart instructed.


Two...-" Lockhart counted.

"Everte Statum!" Draco casted.

"Protego!" (y/n) blocked.

"Ooooooohhh.." Everyone oohed.

"Nice block, (y/l/n)." Lockhart complimented.

"Flipendo!" Draco casted, again.

"Protego!" (y/n) blocked.

"Disarm only!" Lockhart said.

"Diffindo!" Draco started to become angry.

"Protego!" (y/n) blocked.






"Protego! .. Obscuro!" (y/n) casted.

A blindfold appeared on Malfoy's eyes.

He tried removing it but he can't.

"Expelliarmus!" (y/n) casted again.

Draco's flew away to the air.

"Accio Wand!" (y/n) pointed to his wand.

It flew to her, then caught it.

"Well done, (y/n)! Well, done!" Lockhart congratulated.

Everyone clapped their hands.

(y/n) threw Draco's wand back to him, and it accidentally hitted his head.

"Aww!" Draco said, still trying to remove the blind fold.

"Sorry.. Evanesco~" (y/n) casted to make the blindfold disappear.

She, then, hopped off the stage.

"(y/n).. that was bloody brilliant!" Ron said.

"Can't lie. You did really good." Fred said

"Yea.. you showed that git." George said.

"Thanks!" (y/n) said.

"H-how and where did you learn how to duel?" Harry asked.

"Oh... ahm.. My mum used to teach me everyday. She taught me a lot of spell. But, I would usually use Rictusempra because it's funny." (y/n) explained.

"You should teach us some time." Ron said.

"Sure, not a problem. Whenever you guys are free." (y/n) said.

"Sweet. I'm already excited." Ron said.

"Ayeee.. We're in too." Fred and George said.

"I'm looking forward." Hermione said.

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