Chapter 70 - Right Realisation

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After lunch time, Draco decided to visit (y/n) and skip his next class. He brought some of her favorite jelly crystals with him, from the great hall.

"Hermione just visited me earlier. She brought me some foof. I'm quite full now." (y/n) said.

"We'll.. I just thought you'll want some more." Draco said as he placed the plate on her side-table.

"How nice of you, though." (y/n) smiled because of his effort. *sigh* "You're skipping classes again. I told you not to."

"I just got to see you." Draco replied.

"You could just come during free time." (y/n) suggested.

"Too crowded. I like it if it's just.... well.. us. It's quiet." Draco said.

"Yeah right." (y/n) chuckled.

"So.. how are you feeling?" Draco sat down on a chair beside her bed.

"Better that yesterday." (y/n) replied.

"That's good then.. I kinda.. m-niss you during classes." Draco said and looked down from embarrassment from what he just said

She chuckled. "Madam Pomfrey said I can sign out later, tonight." (y/n) said.

"I'm glad.." Draco held her hands. "(y/n)..?"

"Yes?" she answered.

"It's been 3 days and you still haven't talk about what exactly happened on that dream.. I'm just k-kinda.. you know.. ahmm.. worried. Everyone is. Can I atleast know why you don't want to tell us?" Draco asked.

*sigh* "I don't wanna tell you guys about it 'cause I know you guys would worry, but it turns out it makes you all worry even more." (y/n) sat up her bed. "You see.. I think it's not just a dream."

"Another vision?" Draco assumed.

"I hope it's not.. In my dream.. I thought I'm the one who was actually there, but it's like I was my mum. Although I know it was me, but It's her." (y/n) said.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Draco asked.

"I think my mum is being enslave or something by Gevano, the one who murdered my dad. She's powerless. She doesn't have her wand with her. And.. Gevano.. he's like so obsessed with my mum. He even called me, which he thought I was mum, the love of his life. And then he tortures her whenever she refuses from his orders or try to escape from him." (y/n) recalled.

"That sick bastard. So it's like he tortured you that night?!" Draco said.

"He did.." (y/n) replied.

"Was it very painful? the Cruciatus Curse?" Draco asked.

"You saw me right? It was.. very much painful. But what I'm most worried about is my mum.. Mine was only a vision, which my body only reacted from my mind, her's it must hurt more than that. 'Cause, Draco, what if it's real? My mum might be really trapped at his house, suffering. I-I don't know what to do. I don't know where to find her." (y/n) was very worried.

"You've mentioned he's a Death Eater, right?" Draco asked.

"Yes.. he is." (y/n) answered.

"Don't worry.. We'll find that man. Not now, but we will." Draco said.

"I hope so. I really feel sorry for my mum... If that's what's really going on, then everything I believed before was wrong." I tear fell down from (y/n)'s eyes. "I-I don't know what to believe anymore.." she cried.

"No.. don't cry.." Draco sat up on bed and held her other hand as well.

"It's just that.. I blamed everything to her about everything that happened to my life. *sobbing* I didn't even know her real reason. Funny how I thought the reason was because she wanted to live like a muggle. That's the reason why I tried to understand what muggles do. Turns out muggles do quite interesting stuffs so, I understood why. To be honest, I did doubt her for killing my father, cause obviously, he was killed by a muggle weapon. Why wouldn't I think of that, right? Then turns out, it was that sick man, Gevano. He opened the window with his wand then kill dad with gun. How foolish, he thought Dumbledore wouldn't sense it. So, if my vision's true, then it wasn't her afterall. She's being controlled. And you know what.. Dad's was right. There was nothing to doubt about mum. I shouldn't have doubted her. I'm such an idiot, to believe it was her, when I know she would never do anything like that. It makes all sense.." (y/n) explained.

"You're not an idiot.. ok? It's not your fault if you believed something that is wrong. I understand.. People do mistakes. But atleast you know now, and that's what's important. You're just looking for answers. That's all.." Draco said while looking at her.

Tears fell down on (y/n)'s eyes. "Thank you for understanding.." she said as she hugged him.

"Not too worry.. Now stop crying, or other girls would be so furious at you." Draco said wiped her tears.

"Why?" (y/n) asked.

"You get prettier when you cry.." Draco said.

"Idiot!" (y/n) hit his shoulders.

"Aww! And boys might have a crush on you too." Draco added.

(y/n) pretended to cry even more to tease Draco about what he said.

"Oi, stop it. I take that back. You're so ugly when you cry." Draco said.

"Huhuhu. Then what are you doing here?" (y/n) continued pretending.

"Because I came here for you, not your face." Draco said.

(y/n) stopped and looked at him.

"I don't care whether your ugly or pretty." Draco said.

(y/n) didn't know what to say. She was just looking at him, thinking about what he just said.

"What?" Draco asked.

"Nothing.." she looked down and smiled. "You're pulling out jokes now huh." she said.

"It wasn't a joke. I'm telling you the truth. I didn't fall for your face." Draco explained.

(y/n) hugged Draco again.

*sigh* "I know.. I wasn't talking about that part. But don't mind about it anymore. I just want a hug." (y/n) said then closed her eyes.

Draco hugged her back. "Better?"

"Much better.. Thank you." (y/n) replied.


Question of the Day:
Base on the books, Do you think Draco was actually good or bad?

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