Chapter 34 - Truly Thankful

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It's Christmas Day in Hogwarts.

(y/n) rubbed her eyes as she woke up, then sat down. She realise she wasn't on her dorm, but instead, she was on the living room infront of the chimney.

Fudge.. I fell a sleep here. Huh? A blanket. Hmm.. Pansy, most likey. , (y/n) thought to herself.

She walked up her dorm then sat down her bed. She looked at the picture of her and her father.

*sigh* "I miss you, Dad. I can't believe It's been a year since this picture was taken. I never knew It'll be the last time I'll.. see you." (y/n) said, and tears started to form in her eyes.

"Meow.." Coal meowed, and rubbed himself on (y/n)'s arms.

"You're right. Dad doesn't want me to be sad on Christmas. I should not start the negativity." (y/n) said, wiping her tears.

She stretched her body at get her energy going. Then, she grabbed the bag with the gifts she made, ready to give to her friends. (y/n) finally wore her slippers then went down from her dorm. She saw Marcus and Adrian at the living room.

"Hey.. Happy Christmas, (y/n)!" Marcus said, then hugged her.

Marcus gave (y/n) a box. She opened it and saw a bunch of ponytail.

"There. You don't have to borrow one from your friends during quidditch practices." Marcus explain.

"Brooo.. But I can't use all of these." (y/n) said.

"Hmm.. let me guess. Why do you borrow ponytails? Oh because you kept losing yours." Marcus said.

"And theirs." Adrian said, nodding.

"Wow. Right, right. Thank you." (y/n) said.

"And here's mine. Happy Christmas." Adrian said, handing her a gift.

"Surprising.." (y/n) said, then opened the box.

"A hair brush." (y/n) said.

"Yes. So you wont look so dreadful anymore. You should learn how to brush your hair." Adrian explain.

"You guys are bullying me." (y/n) said.

"No, we're just concern. You often forget these simple things, everyday, because of your deep thoughts." Marcus said.

"Ahww. You're right. Thank you, guys." (y/ng said, then hugged the two.

"These are for you, boys. Happy Christmas." (y/n) said then gave them their gifts.

They opened it.

"Made it myself." (y/n) said.

"Woah.. i like the colour." Adrian said, putting the bracelet on.

"You made it? How'd you learn?" Marcus asked.

"Mrs Weasley taught me alot." (y/n) said.

"Speaking of Mrs Weasley. You got a gift from her under the tree." Marcus said.

(y/n) walked to the Christmas tree and searched for the gift. When she found it, (y/n) opened it and saw a Green Sweater with the first letter of her name in front. (y/n) tried it on and it was perfect.

"Yo, I'll see you guys around. I'm meeting the other guys in the Great Hall." (y/n) said.

"Alright, see ya." Adrian said.

(y/n) went up to her dorm to get dressed, properly, but still wearing Mrs Weasley's sweater. She took her bag and went to the Great Hall to meet the trio.

"Happy Christmas, guys!" (y/n) said running through them.

"(y/n), Happy Christmas!" they all said.

She took her gifts out of her bag then gave it to each of them.

"Wow! Thank you!" Hermion said.

"Bet you learned it from Mum." Ron said.

"I did." (y/n) replied.

"The colour matches me. Thanks" Harry said.

"Last year. We couldn't give you one. But this time, Harry, Ron and I have something we planned and put the all together." Hermione said, showing a huge card.

"Woaahh." (y/n) said.

Hermione opened the card revealed these different messeges with different hand writings.

"Everything written there is how special and worth it you are, the nicest things about you, and why you're our friend. We got some people who shared their thoughts about you too, like Neville, Seamus and Dean." Hermion explained.

(y/n) started reading few.

Thank you for defending me from Malfoy. -Harry

Despite being a Slytherin, you've only shown kindness to everyone. -Hermione

You look really scary. But just as Hermione says, don't judge the book by it's cover. It's often the other way around. And you are. Thank you for being my friend.. and my sister now, I suppose. -Ron

(y/n) slightly teared. And hugged each one of them.

"Thank you guys so much! This is perfect. I need this in my life. I often forget how worthy I am, myself. So, thank you. Thank you so much." (y/n) said.


Christmas Feast is in an hour, but (y/n) decided to go early. She is now walking inside the Great Hall, all dressed in her Slytherin Robes.

(y/n) saw Draco sitting alone by the table. His friend went home for holidays so it was just him.

She felt her feet automatically moving and she carelessly sat next to him. (y/n) wanted to make all things cleared and hear what he got to say.

It was still silent and awkward. Both just stealing a glance from each other.

(y/n) can't seem to breathe properly, and the silence was killing her. She don't know whether she should talk or wait for him to start. So (y/n) stood up.

Before she could even leave, Draco held his wrist to stop her.

"Wait." Draco said, pulling her down again.

"I.. ahh.. The nurse told you afterall." Draco said.

"She did." (y/n) replied.

"Well, ahm.. It doesn't really mean anything." Draco said.

"Visiting me very often and coming late to your classes doesn't mean anything?" (y/n) asked.

"Yes. I mean No. I mean.. I just want.. to thank.. you.." Draco said.

"What for?" (y/n) asked.

"Arggg! You have so many questions! You know very well! You saved my life!" Draco yelled.

"Ok then." (y/n) said, and stood up, but Draco stopped her again.

"Wait. I'm sorry for yelling. I mean it. Thank you." Draco said.

(y/n) nod.

"Here. Thank you too." (y/n) said, giving him a green & black bracelet which she made last night.

"What for?" Draco asked.

"Madam Pomfrey told me you were the one who gave the place with food. And she said base on how hard the bludger it me, I weren't suppose to wake up that night yet. But I did. I smelt the food." (y/n) explained.

"I see.. And this is for you, as well. Mum told me to give you a thank you gift, so I did." Draco said.

(y/n) opened the box and saw a pair of silver fluffy slippers.

"Thanks." (y/n) said, touching the fur.

"It's mum's idea. Really.. I don't know what things you like." Draco said.

"No, no. I like it. Thank you. Happy Christmas." (y/n) said.

"Happy Christmas." Draco replied.



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