Chapter 60 - Weird Whys

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As winter approaches, it now began to snow at Hogwarts.

(y/n) is at The Three Broomsticks with her friends.

"Sorry, I'm late. I had few errands to go to." Marcus said as he arrived. He sat on a chair beside Crabbe.

"No. You were just in time.. W-Where's Adrian?" (y/n) asked.

"Oh. He's the reason why I got late. He said he couldn't come." Marcus said.

"Why not?" (y/n) asked.

Marcus didn't want to say the reason.

"Oh.. I think I know why." (y/n) said.

Pansy pat her back.

"Well then.. As you can see, the reason why gathered you guys here is because most of us are leaving for the holidays. I just thought we should celebrate in advance. I'm treating everyone butterbeers." (y/n) said.

"Can I get a fire whiskey instead?" Marcus asked.

"I said butterbeer. Just because you're in your legal age, doesn't mean you can drink now." (y/n) said.

Marcus frowned.

(y/n) stood up to start ordering.

"I'll come, you need hands." Draco volunteered.

"Me too." Ron followed.

The three went to the counter.

"Hello, kids. Butterbeer, i supposed?" Madam Rosmerta asked.

"Yes, please Ahm.. how many people are we.. 1-2-3...9. Can I we get 9 Butterbeers, ma'am?" (y/n) said.

"Sure thing, love." Madam Rosmerta said. and started to prepare them all.

Meanwhile, at the table.

"Marcus! What has gotten to Adrian?" Pansy asked with slight annoyance.

"It's obviously the girl. She's very controlling. I can't even hang out with Adrian anymore. She's very annoying, as well. I don't like her." Marcus said.

"(y/n), liked him." Hermione said.

"Well, that's the pass isn't it? Let them move on." Draco said.

"We know! It's just that... This isn't right. Why the sudden change? He should not let the girl control him. What kind of relationship is that?" Pansy was complaining.

"And he should change as well. Think about the friends you've been disregarding, right?" Marcus said.

"Right." everyone answered.

*sigh* "I don't know.. What an asshole." Pansy said.

"I will try to talk to him again." Marcus said.

The three went back to the table holding trays with Butterbeers.

"Here it is. Happy Christmas to everyone, in advance." (y/n) said. "Get yours, guys." She sat down after placing the tray on the table.

"Thank you." everyone thanked.

"It taste bloody better when it's a treat. Magic." Ron said.

"No worries, guys." (y/n) said as she sip up some butterbeer.

"God, I could drink this forever.." Hermione said.

"Same here." Pansy replied.

(y/n) chuckled.

"What?" Pansy and Hermione both asked.

"Nothing.. Me too." (y/n) said.


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