Chapter 24: Titan Squadron

Start from the beginning

Anakin's voice then reached our comms. I could practically see the teasing grin on his face as he spoke. "You think she flies fancy? Then you'll have a hard time flying with me."

"Thanks for the tip." Areria retorted.

"Incoming!" Anakin exclaimed.

We then saw a ray of purple heading towards our way. No doubt it was the weapon that Master Koon talked about. My eyes widened as I pulled up.

"Make towards the edge of the ray, now!" I ordered.

We then flew as high as we could out of the purple ray's reach. Anakin's voice reached us through the comms. "Give it everything you've got."

"Shadow 2, your speed is dropping. What's wrong?" Ahsoka asked.

"Nothing, Commander. Just trying to keep it together." Matchstick assured her.

"You can make it, Matchstick." Anakin informed him.

Hang on, Matchstick." I encouraged.

We made it through, but unfortunately not all of us made it.

"Shadow squadron, check in." Anakin ordered.

"We lost Matchstick and Tag. Shadows 6, 7, and 10 were caught in the ray." Ahsoka mentioned.

"Titan Squadron, check in." I commanded.

"They're all here, Master." Areria replied.

"Good, then let's continue with the plan." I urged.

With that we made our way towards the Malevolence. As we flew, blasts from the Malevolence came towards us. I quickly dodged them as I flew further, determined to see the plan through.

"Stay on course." Master Koon ordered.

"This flak is heavy." Broadside commented.

"All deflectors double front." I commanded.

"Master, are you sure we don't need a new plan." Areria suggested.

"We can make it, Areria. Hang in there." I assured her.

"Watch those towers, boys." Anakin advised.

"We're too close. Loosen up!" Some of the clone troopers exclaimed.

Some of the Y-wings were shot down as the rest of us continued to make our way through.

"Master, we're losing men! We need a new plan." Areria insisted.

"If we can do enough damage, the weapon may overload when Grievous tries to fire." Master Koon suggested.

I thought about Areria's words, and quickly contacted my squadron. "Titan squadron, there's new target. We're taking out the starboard ion cannon."

Anakin seemed to have the same idea as he and his squadron flew over to the cannon. We all out power, we fired at the cannon, destroying the cannon before it could fire. Once the ship was damaged, we made our way towards the medical station.

"Good work, Shadow and Titan Squadron." Master Koon said.

"Good call, Areria." I praised.

We then heard Obi-Wan through our comms. "Anakin, Storm, do you copy?"

"I'm here." Anakin replied.

"So am I, Obi-Wan." I chimed in.

"Congratulations. It looks like your mission was a success." Obi-Wan stated.

"Partially, but Grievous is still alive." Anakin mentioned.

"The battle was pretty rough on our men." I added.

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