This was one of the places Aurora and Jungkook had been at together—during the time she had lost her only home at the beach.

Stepping forward to see the running water, Aurora observed that nobody else was present in this area. It was after midnight, after all, and the air was pretty chilly. So, it made sense to not see a soul in sight.

The street lamps lit up the scenery, making it possible for the girl to see her reflection in the water. Looking at herself, she finally realized how ugly she looked when she had fits.

She felt very ugly.

And suddenly insecure.

Holding herself, Aurora sulked. She couldn't bare to look at herself anymore. She was already repulsed by Jungkook's words, and seeing her own face was just not making her feel any better. A thought abruptly crossed Aurora's mind, and she heard her conscience tell her heart that she hated herself. She truly felt that.

"No matter what I do..." She knelt down before the fountain to rest her face on the ledge. "...I'm always the problem."

Hopeless in her lament, Aurora rested her eyes in her arms, trying to block out the tension that clouded her judgments and feelings. It was working for some time, but a negative idea always seemed to slip through the cracks of what Aurora barely held onto, which was optimism.

I just want to kill myself...She thought spontaneously. But it was a ridiculous thought. There's no way in hell that'd solve anything...

Lifting her head up, she peered into the water to glance at herself once more. I wouldn't waste my life for the selfish actions of how people treat me and others—including themselves. That's just too petty... She reasoned.

...but I really want to kill myself.

Conflicted, Aurora bit her lower lip. Taking a deep breath, she shouted into the air, venting her frustrations of not knowing how to handle anything anymore. With her next struggling breath, Aurora dunked her head into the fountain, holding herself in the icy cold liquid for as long as she could. She was praying that she'd keep her head in there until she passed out.

Aurora begged her lungs to just give out so that she could forget everything that just happened. She wanted to erase any memory of Jungkook. She just wanted to delete herself.

But he wouldn't let her.

Feeling a firm hand jerk her back by the hoodie, Aurora's head flew in reverse from the fountain. Gasping for air, she began choking uncontrollably. Aurora fell on her butt, wincing in pain because of how close she was to passing out. With her hair drenched and her soaking face, the tomboy looked up and squinted to see through her blurred vision.

Logan panted, standing defensively with his clenched fists.

"Are you out of your damn mind?!" He spat.

Aurora stared speechlessly.

"Are you really that dense to just jump into the fire like that, without considering who else is going to get burned by your careless actions?!"

Still breathing heavily, Aurora sat silently. Shaking her head, Aurora closed her eyes and lowered her chin to the ground. "...whether or not I jump into the fire...I'm the one who has to live with the scars."

Logan, taken aback by Aurora's words, was perplexed. In what world does she live in? He thought.

Logan stared at Aurora for some time, not earning any eye contact from the girl. She sat there, unmoved. He finally walked over to her and knelt down. Taking a handkerchief from his back pocket, he wiped Aurora's face down. "Aurora..." He whispered. "Don't take your life for the actions of some empty metal."

Aurora felt the excruciating embarrassment of her thoughtless actions. She covered her face in shame and sobbed. Logan was a bit mortified by how unexpected it was to see this side of Aurora. He never imagined that he'd see the day this girl come crumbling to the earth. Moved with pity, he leaned closer and embraced her warmly.

Aurora reluctantly wrapped her arms around Logan's neck and cried, "No one ever truly cared for me. No one ever wanted to love me. My own parents dumped me...they didn't even want to get to know me!"

Logan sighed, lowering his face in her neck. He whispered something into Aurora's ear, which triggered a certain emotion.

Unsure of how to react to his calm words, Aurora pushed away from him gently to look him in the eyes. Logan looked very upset, but she could see how flushed the male's cheeks were. Aurora began to blush and looked away. Logan pulled back, pulling Aurora to her feet. She stared at the ground like a little child that had been put in their place.

Taking her hand, Logan drew Aurora closer to him by her waist and gave her a kiss on this forehead. He dried her tears with his thumbs and ran them down her cheeks, holding his hands there. "Don't cry because of him. He's not worth your tears."

Aurora nodded weakly. But a part of her still felt the emotional stabbings of his words. "...I really liked him, Logan." Aurora sniffled. She wiped her nose aggressively with her sleeve. "I really liked him and I wanted to be that girl deep down, who would have an android as her best friend...I thought it was possible...but nothing is possible for a happy-deprived child like me..."

Logan hugged Aurora tightly, burying her face in his warm chest. "Aurora, Jungkook doesn't deserve you as a best friend. He's only good for what he comes artificial intelligence built into a cold piece of metal that was designed to look good and act good...but his words are meaningless and futile...because at the end of the day, he's not human."

Aurora's eyes lit up as she wrapped her arms around Logan's waist. The cold breeze of the night blew around them, but because they were so close together, their body heat kept them warm.

Logan wanted to see Aurora's face once more. He wanted to see her stop crying. He leaned back and lifted her chin.

"Smile, Aurora, for me?" Logan pleaded with an innocent smile.

Aurora didn't want to because it wouldn't have been genuine.

"At least a little sunshine for my girl?" He teased.

Aurora shook her head, but a little giggle escaped her lips.

"Ah," Logan breathes. "There it is." Taking her hand, Logan pulled her along.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You need to put on some shoes," Logan explained. "You could catch a cold, especially because it's after midnight."

"Oh..." Aurora looked at the ground as they walked. "Right."

"Actually, as a matter of fact—" Logan got on one knee, stationing his arms in C-positions behind is back. "Get on my back, I'll take us home."

"W-What?" Aurora stammered, taking a step back. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Aurora, I'm sure you're not as heavy as you think you are."

"No...but," She grumbled under her breath. "I'd rather walk—"

Logan pushed himself back on Aurora, pulling her onto his back. "Come on, let's go."

Panicky, Aurora immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, making him yelp. "Careful! Watch the Adam's apple!"

"Sorry!" She squeaked, loosening her grip.

As he got up, he grunted. "Damn, you are heavy."

"Put me down!" Aurora cried.

"I'm just kidding," Logan laughed, fixing Aurora properly on his back. "You're as light as cotton candy. Now, let's go."

Aurora didn't know what to say. She sat quietly as Logan took them along, back to their complex.

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