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Later that night,

It was already 12 o'clock and there was no sign of randhir's arrival. Nisha and harsh already had their dinner except sanyukta since she was waiting for him.

He had never taken so long over these days she wondered what made him be so tonight. Her stomach was growling and him being late was making her go restless. Infact she didn't feel good of his parents behaging so normal like it is of no importance in their life.

Sanyukta was walking near the dining table when Nisha came there. Seeing Sanyu waiting for Randir made her pity her.

' Poor sanyukta. H it w am I supposed to tell her that Randie might have gone for the club or .... With his friends. I can't see her like this '... She thought.

" Sanyukta! "... Calling her my the name Nisha approached her.

" Yes maa! Do you need anything? ".... Sanyukta asked diverting get attention towards her for awhile.

" Beta did you have you food? ".... She asked her to which sanyukta answered whilst nodding her head in no making her glare her. " Just look at the time Sanyu it's mid of the night, randhir may come late. It is better you have your food and go to bed. I'm sure randhir will come full " she told her.

Though it was correct and a matter to pay attention to, may be randhir have gone to party with his friends and would come late. Why is she punishing her stomach? She should too eat like his parents and go to bed.

But sanyukta smiled instead. " Nhi maa. It's okay.  I'm absolutely fine. I'll wait for randhir, I'm sure he might be busy with work that is why he's late "... She stated.

She is a wife... For her it's her husband who is important to her than anyone else. Randhir will come late, be it. She would rather prefer to wait than to eat without him. She has accepted him from heart, it us not going to fall away so easily.

Giving up is nowhere written in a love story, right!!!


Nisha smiled. She js indeed blessed to have a daughter in law like her but may be randhir doesn't deserve her. She is too good to be his life partner she gave it a second thought.

" Come here "... Nisha took her to table making her sit on the chair. She too sat at one of them and spoke. " Sanyu, I know you are worried about him but I don't think randhir will change his lifestyle for you. It's thousand times different than yours. His life includes late night parties, hang outs, long drives and a lot more. Sometimes, he doesn't even come home for weeks. (pause) I have experienced everything. I have also spent nights waiting for him to come "... She smiled serenely recalling those days.

She is also right at her part, she can conclude this because she has gone through that phase. But sanyukta was too adamant to listen to that. She has seen the worst of him and she knows the sweet side of him too.

" I can't even word out my feelings Sanyu. I can't tell you how I have longed to see him home soon. "... Her eyes watered. " But you know he didn't turn up in time, in fact he would be late deliberately knowing that I was waiting for him. "... A drop of tear fell out of her eyes.

" Maa... ".. Sanyukta passed her a glass of water. " Maa, I don't know what is wrong with you and randhir but I can assure you he's a better person now. Time and people don't remain as same forever. They are contradictory. They change someday, right. I promise you, I'd give you your randhir, the one you wish to see him as "... She hugged her.

There was silence until the door of the house opened, " Huh... Damn car, get it serviced properly this time parth. I'll kill otherwise "... Randhir came in unbuttoning his coat while Nisha and sanyukta looked in his direction.

Randhir was busy with the phone when sanyukta squeezed nisha's shoulder in assurance saying ' He's home ' while she smiled in reflex.

" See maa, I told you. People change and time as well. Your son's home it's just that something is lacking, unless you tell me anything about the past and his reasons for becoming like this, I don't think we're ever going to get your son back ".... Sanyukta explained her wishing to know everything as soon as possible.

There's always a reason behind everything, so with randhir.

And really she'd be gutted hard once she knows it.

Anyways, nisha left did her room not wanting do spoil the new couple's quality time. After the call randhir threw the coat on the sofa and sunk next into it looking exhausted. " Water! "... He smiled glancing at his wife who was looking all fresh and amazing like she was in morning.

Her one look, and he was murdered.


" Thank you "... Randhir took it and drank it in a go while he also pulled sanyukta in his lap.

He placed the glass down near his foot and caged her waist putting his head on her chest. After a tiring day, this is what he wished for. " Why didn't you sleep. Why are you awake at this hour of night! You should too have gone do bed na? "... He stated looking up from her chest.

Sanyukta smiled. " Hmm yeah I should have gone to bed too but you don't know my husband. He's a devil "... Her words turned him down, he didn't feel good at all. Randhir was going to pull back his head from up her chest but the next chain of her words left him in awe. " He's a jerky and stubborn baby who never takes care of himself. And I
hate that this negligence on his part will make him fall sick. And I really hate that attitude of his. He shows like he don't give a damn if his wife doesn't give him attention but only she knows that he's a whining baby who wants to be pampered all the time. "... She said making him grin wider than actually. Her words filled his heart with contentment.

" Now if you're satisfied with my answer than can we go to eat food. My stomach is hurting. I haven't eaten anything since the evening "... She said making randhir stare her in shock.

" You haven't eaten anything? How could you be so irresponsible sanyukta? "... He made her stand up and got up too. " Now sit here while I bring food "... He ordered making his ways inside of the kitchen.

" Are randhir, at least listen to me "... She tried to convince him.

" Bola na sit quiet. "... He replied sternly as he looked for food in the fridge and every possible place.

Hitting her head sanyukta giggled as she said. " The food is here, look "... She said loudly whilst raising the crockery showing it to him while he sheepishly grinned and came back.

" Now you sir here quiet while I serve the food to us "... Sanyukta commanded with smile while randhir nodded thinking,

' You dumb head shekhawat, how could you be so stupid? You made fun of your own in front of your wife. She us right, you are a whining brainless baby '

While sanyukta, she suppressed her giggled seeing him act weird.

To be continued...



Aaaayyyyiiiii... The newly written part automatically disappeared. Fuck this wattpad issues. 😡

Anyways, hope that was good.

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